+++ date = "2017-03-15T10:44:56-05:00" title = "Home" +++ Welcome to your new Sandstorm-hosted Hugo site! Here are a few pointers to help you get started: * Check out the Git repository associated with this site. Find instructions for doing so on the grain's launch screen. * Choose a theme to make your site look nice. [Hugo's theme showcase](https://themes.gohugo.io) is a good place to start. * Add the theme to your Git repository as a [subtree](https://medium.com/@v/git-subtrees-a-tutorial-6ff568381844#.5xxwesuj8) at `themes/themename`. * Add `theme = "themename"` to *Config.toml*. * Push the repository, and your new site will be immediately published. * Use the administrative interface, linked from the grain's launch screen, to make simple changes without accessing the repository. Note that changes go live as soon as they are made. * Read more about Hugo in its extensive [documentation](https://gohugo.io/overview/introduction/). Enjoy!