import FunctionTokenProcessor; import ConstantTokenProcessor; /** Class that loads tokens from PHP documentation and holds them for use by CodeParser. **/ class TokenProcessor { public var token_hash : Hash; public static var cache_path : String = "../data/all_tokens.hxd"; public function new() { this.token_hash = new Hash(); } public function get_default_token_type() { return Token; } public static var all_token_processors = [ "FunctionTokenProcessor", "ConstantTokenProcessor" ]; #if neko /** Load all possible token processors from the cache. **/ public static function load_all_from_cache() : Array { if (neko.FileSystem.exists(cache_path)) { return unnormalize_processors(; } else { return null; } } /** If the cache file does not exist, save all token processors to disk. **/ public static function save_all_to_cache() { if (!neko.FileSystem.exists(cache_path)) { var all_processors = new Array(); for (processor_class in all_token_processors) { var processor : TokenProcessor = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(processor_class), []); processor.populate_from_file(); all_processors.push(processor); } var fh =, true); fh.writeString(; fh.close(); } } /** Load the tokens for this type of processor from disk. **/ public function populate_from_file() {} #end /** Load all possible token processors from the cache Resource. **/ public static function load_all_from_resource() { return unnormalize_processors(; } /** Given an array of TokenProcessors, normalize the version information out of the tokens and into a separate hash, and return the TokenProcessor, version_id => version, and token => version_id information. **/ public static function normalize_processors(processors : Array) : Hash> { if (processors.length == 0) { throw "no processors specified"; } var normalized_data = new Hash>(); var types = new Hash(); var all_versions_with_index = new Hash(); var version_index = 0; for (i in 0...processors.length) { var i_string = Std.string(i); var tokens_with_version_index = new Hash(); types.set(i_string, Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(processors[i]))); for (token in processors[i].token_hash.keys()) { var version = processors[i].token_hash.get(token).version; if (!all_versions_with_index.exists(version)) { all_versions_with_index.set(version, version_index); version_index++; } tokens_with_version_index.set(token, all_versions_with_index.get(version)); } normalized_data.set("processor-" + i_string, tokens_with_version_index); } var flipped_versions = new Hash(); for (version in all_versions_with_index.keys()) { flipped_versions.set(Std.string(all_versions_with_index.get(version)), version); } normalized_data.set("versions", flipped_versions); normalized_data.set("types", types); return normalized_data; } /** Unnormalize a set of data produced from TokenProcessor#normalize_processors. **/ public static function unnormalize_processors(normalized_data : Hash>) : Array { var unnormalized_processors = new Array(); if (!normalized_data.exists("versions")) { throw "versions not defined"; } if (!normalized_data.exists("types")) { throw "types not defined"; } var versions = normalized_data.get("versions"); var types = normalized_data.get("types"); for (type_key in types.keys()) { var i = Std.parseInt(type_key); var processor : TokenProcessor = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(types.get(type_key)), []); var processor_key = "processor-" + type_key; if (!normalized_data.exists(processor_key)) { throw "processor " + type_key + " not defined"; } var processor_tokens = normalized_data.get(processor_key); var token_type = processor.get_default_token_type(); for (token in processor_tokens.keys()) { var version_lookup = Std.string(processor_tokens.get(token)); processor.token_hash.set(token, Type.createInstance(token_type, [token, versions.get(version_lookup)])); } unnormalized_processors.push(processor); } return unnormalized_processors; } }