require 'rake/dsl_definition' module Guard class RailsAssets::RailsRunner def initialize(options) end # Methods to run the asset pipeline # Taken from - module AssetPipeline extend self extend Rake::DSL def clean assets = ::Rails.application.config.assets public_asset_path = File.join(::Rails.public_path, assets.prefix) rm_rf public_asset_path, :secure => true end def precompile Sprockets::Helpers::RailsHelper ::ActionView::Base config = ::Rails.application.config env = ::Rails.application.assets target = ::Rails.root.join("public#{config.assets.prefix}") config.assets.precompile.each do |path| env.each_logical_path do |logical_path| if path.is_a?(::Regexp) next unless path.match(logical_path) else next unless ::File.fnmatch(path.to_s, logical_path) end if asset = env.find_asset(logical_path) filename = target.join(asset.pathname.basename) mkdir_p filename.dirname asset.write_to(filename) asset.write_to("#{filename}.gz") if filename.to_s =~ /\.(css|js)$/ end end end end end def boot_rails @rails_booted ||= begin require "#{Dir.pwd}/config/environment.rb" true end end def run_compiler begin @failed = false AssetPipeline.clean AssetPipeline.precompile rescue => e puts "An error occurred compiling assets: #{e}" @failed = true end end # Runs the asset pipeline compiler. # # @return [ Boolean ] Whether the compilation was successful or not def compile_assets boot_rails run_compiler !failed? end def failed? @failed end end end