require 'guard' require 'guard/guard' require 'guard/jasmine-headless-webkit/runner' module Guard class JasmineHeadlessWebkit < Guard DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = %w{js coffee} def initialize(watchers = [], options = {}) super @options = { :all_on_start => true, :run_before => false, :valid_extensions => DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS }.merge(options) end def start "Guard::JasmineHeadlessWebkit is running." run_all if @options[:all_on_start] end def run_all "Guard::JasmineHeadlessWebkit running all specs..." if run_before and run_rails_assets and run_jammit @ran_before = false end def run_on_change(paths) paths = filter_paths(paths) @ran_before = false if run_before and run_rails_assets and run_jammit @ran_before = true if !paths.empty? "Guard::JasmineHeadlessWebkit running the following: #{paths.join(' ')}" else run_all end end end private def filter_paths(paths) paths.find_all { |path| File.extname(path)[valid_extensions] } end def valid_extensions %r{\.(#{@options[:valid_extensions].join('|')})$} end def run_before run_a_thing_before(:run_before, @options[:run_before]) end def run_jammit $stderr.puts "Jammit support is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use guard-jammit instead." if @options[:jammit] run_a_thing_before(:jammit, "Jammit", %{jammit -f 2>/dev/null}) end def run_rails_assets run_a_thing_before(:rails_assets, "Rails Assets", %{rake assets:precompile:for_testing}) end def run_a_thing_before(option, *args) if @options[option] && !@ran_before run_program(*args) else true end end def run_program(name, command = nil) command ||= name "Guard::JasmineHeadlessWebkit running #{name}..." system command $?.exitstatus == 0 end end class Dsl def newest_js_file(path) Dir[path + '*.{js,coffee}'].sort { |left, right| File.mtime(right) <=> File.mtime(left) }.first end end end