diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1dec6de..edfb7f2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ home folder's `.jasmine-headless-webkit` file. ## `guard` options * `:all_on_start => false` to not run everything when starting, just like `guard-rspec`. -* `:run_before => "` to run a command before running specs. If the command fails, the test run stops. Useful for running Jammit before running your specs to compile templates: - - `guard 'jasmine-headliness-webkit', :run_before => 'jammit -f 2>/dev/null' do` +* `:run_before => "` to run a command before running specs. If the command fails, the test run stops. +* `:jammit => true` to run `jammit -f 2>/dev/null` before the tests for the current file change are run. ## What's the deal with `newest_js_file`?