(function($){ $.ws = { //========================================================== // jQuery plugin jquery.ws.js // for Web Sockets // need Browser Chrome4.0.249.0+ // Demo http://bloga.jp/ws/jq/ // serverside sample @see http://blog.livedoor.jp/kotesaki/archives/1355651.html name : "ws", version : "0.3-noenc-pre", demo : "http://bloga.jp/ws/jq/conn/b1.htm", author : "Toshiro Takahashi", lisence : "same as jQuery @see http://docs.jquery.com/Licensing", update : 'http://jsgt.org/lib/jquery/plugin/ws/update.txt', ver : '', //Default settings wsSettings: { url : "ws://"+location.host, data : null,//The data which transmit a message onopen : function(e){},//callback on opened. onmessage : function(msg,wsObject){},//callback on received onclose : function(){},//callback on cloased hbStr : "Heartbeat",//if null then no Heartbeat hbinterval : 60000,//dafault 60sec, min=5000 onheartbeat: function(){}//callback on heartbeatsended }, wsSetup: function( settings ) { jQuery.extend( jQuery.ws.wsSettings, settings ); } //Note: if you want to stop no-support alert dialog, //$.ws.wsSetup({nonosupportmsg:true}); }; /* //========================================================== // Method // Basic Method of this pulgin for Web Sockets $.conn( settings ) */ $.extend($.ws ,{ conn : function( s ){ s = $.extend(true, s, $.extend(true, {}, $.ws.wsSettings, s)); if ("WebSocket" in window) { var url=s.url , //WS Object wsoj = new WebSocket( url ) , data = s.data , //Heartbeat _MIN_HBINTERVAL=5000, _INI_HBINTERVAL=60000, hbtimer=null, hbStr = (s.hbStr===null)?null:(typeof s.hbStr==='string')?s.hbStr:'Heartbeat', hbinterval = (typeof s.hbinterval==='number')? (s.hbinterval>=_MIN_HBINTERVAL)?s.hbinterval:_INI_HBINTERVAL :_INI_HBINTERVAL; //WS Events bind $(wsoj) .bind("open",function(e){ if(s.onopen){ s.onopen(e); } ; if(s.hbStr!==null){ hbtimer = setInterval(function(){ $(wsoj).wssend(hbStr); if(wsoj.onheartbeat){wsoj.onheartbeat(wsoj)} }, hbinterval); } }) .bind("message",function(e){ if(s.onmessage){ s.onmessage( e.originalEvent.data .replace(//g, ""), wsoj ); } }) .bind("close",function(){ if(s.onclose){ s.onclose(); } if(hbtimer) { clearInterval(hbtimer); hbtimer = null; } wsoj=null; }); //Add Event to only Instance for on after Hertbeat if(s.hbStr!==null){ wsoj.onheartbeat=function(woj){ s.onheartbeat(woj); } } //WS send $(wsoj).wssend(data); //WS auto cloase $(window) .bind("unload",function(e){ wsoj.close();wsoj=null; }); return wsoj; } else { //no support, message once. if(!$.ws.nosupport){ if(!s.nonosupportmsg) alert("no support, please use Chrome4 (v +) or \n Safari nightly"); $.ws.nosupport=true; } } } }); /* //========================================================== // Method // Sub Methods for Web Sockets $(Selectors).wsload( url, data, fn ) $(Selectors).wssend(data) $(Selectors).wsclose() */ $.fn.extend({ //like $(Selectors).load() Some codes from jQuery1.3.2 wsload : function( url, data, fn ){ var off = url.indexOf(" "); if ( off >= 0 ) { var selector = url.slice(off, url.length); url = url.slice(0, off); } if ( data ) if ( $.isFunction( data ) ) { fn = data; data = null; } else if( typeof data === "object" ) { data = $.param( data ); } var self = this; $.ws.conn({ url : url, data : data, onmessage : function(msg, wsoj){ if ( wsoj.readyState == wsoj.OPEN ) self.html( selector ? $("
") .append(msg) .find(selector) : msg ); if( fn ) self.each( fn, [msg, wsoj.readyState, wsoj] ); } }); return this; }, //Send to WS Server $(webSocketOj).wssend(data) wssend : function(data){ var oj=this[0]; if(typeof oj!=="object" && oj.toString()!=="[object WebSocket]"){return this;} if(data){ oj.send(data); } return this; }, //Close Web Sockets wsclose : function(){ var oj=this[0]; if(typeof oj!=="object" && oj.toString()!=="[object WebSocket]"){return this;} oj.close(); oj=null; return this; } }); })(jQuery)