$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'fakefs' require 'test/unit' class FakeFSTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include FakeFS def setup FileSystem.clear end def test_can_be_initialized_empty fs = FileSystem assert_equal 0, fs.files.size end def xtest_can_be_initialized_with_an_existing_directory fs = FileSystem fs.clone(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))).inspect assert_equal 1, fs.files.size end def test_can_create_directories FileUtils.mkdir_p("/path/to/dir") assert_kind_of FakeDir, FileSystem.fs['path']['to']['dir'] end def test_can_create_directories_with_mkpath FileUtils.mkpath("/path/to/dir") assert_kind_of FakeDir, FileSystem.fs['path']['to']['dir'] end def test_can_delete_directories FileUtils.mkdir_p("/path/to/dir") FileUtils.rmdir("/path/to/dir") assert File.exists?("/path/to/") assert File.exists?("/path/to/dir") == false end def test_knows_directories_exist FileUtils.mkdir_p(path = "/path/to/dir") assert File.exists?(path) end def test_knows_directories_are_directories FileUtils.mkdir_p(path = "/path/to/dir") assert File.directory?(path) end def test_knows_symlink_directories_are_directories FileUtils.mkdir_p(path = "/path/to/dir") FileUtils.ln_s path, sympath = '/sympath' assert File.directory?(sympath) end def test_knows_non_existent_directories_arent_directories path = 'does/not/exist/' assert_equal RealFile.directory?(path), File.directory?(path) end def test_doesnt_overwrite_existing_directories FileUtils.mkdir_p(path = "/path/to/dir") assert File.exists?(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p("/path/to") assert File.exists?(path) end def test_can_create_symlinks FileUtils.mkdir_p(target = "/path/to/target") FileUtils.ln_s(target, "/path/to/link") assert_kind_of FakeSymlink, FileSystem.fs['path']['to']['link'] assert_raises(Errno::EEXIST) do FileUtils.ln_s(target, '/path/to/link') end end def test_can_follow_symlinks FileUtils.mkdir_p(target = "/path/to/target") FileUtils.ln_s(target, link = "/path/to/symlink") assert_equal target, File.readlink(link) end def test_knows_symlinks_are_symlinks FileUtils.mkdir_p(target = "/path/to/target") FileUtils.ln_s(target, link = "/path/to/symlink") assert File.symlink?(link) end def test_can_create_files path = '/path/to/file.txt' File.open(path, 'w') do |f| f.write "Yatta!" end assert File.exists?(path) end def test_file_opens_in_read_only_mode File.open("foo", "w") { |f| f << "foo" } f = File.open("foo") assert_raises(IOError) do f << "bar" end end def test_file_opens_in_invalid_mode FileUtils.touch("foo") assert_raises(ArgumentError) do File.open("foo", "an_illegal_mode") end end def test_raises_error_when_cannot_find_file_in_read_mode assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do File.open("does_not_exist", "r") end end def test_raises_error_when_cannot_find_file_in_read_write_mode assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do File.open("does_not_exist", "r+") end end def test_creates_files_in_write_only_mode File.open("foo", "w") assert File.exists?("foo") end def test_creates_files_in_read_write_truncate_mode File.open("foo", "w+") assert File.exists?("foo") end def test_creates_files_in_append_write_only File.open("foo", "a") assert File.exists?("foo") end def test_creates_files_in_append_read_write File.open("foo", "a+") assert File.exists?("foo") end def test_file_in_write_only_raises_error_when_reading FileUtils.touch("foo") f = File.open("foo", "w") assert_raises(IOError) do f.read end end def test_file_in_append_write_only_raises_error_when_reading FileUtils.touch("foo") f = File.open("foo", "a") assert_raises(IOError) do f.read end end def test_can_read_files_once_written path = '/path/to/file.txt' File.open(path, 'w') do |f| f.write "Yatta!" end assert_equal "Yatta!", File.read(path) end def test_can_write_to_files path = '/path/to/file.txt' File.open(path, 'w') do |f| f << 'Yada Yada' end assert_equal 'Yada Yada', File.read(path) end def test_can_get_size_of_files path = '/path/to/file.txt' File.open(path, 'w') do |f| f << 'Yada Yada' end assert_equal 9, File.size(path) end def test_can_read_with_File_readlines path = '/path/to/file.txt' File.open(path, 'w') do |f| f.puts "Yatta!", "Gatta!" f.puts ["woot","toot"] end assert_equal %w(Yatta! Gatta! woot toot), File.readlines(path) end def test_File_close_disallows_further_access path = '/path/to/file.txt' file = File.open(path, 'w') file.write 'Yada' file.close assert_raise IOError do file.read end end def test_can_read_from_file_objects path = '/path/to/file.txt' File.open(path, 'w') do |f| f.write "Yatta!" end assert_equal "Yatta!", File.new(path).read end def test_file_read_errors_appropriately assert_raise Errno::ENOENT do File.read('anything') end end def test_knows_files_are_files path = '/path/to/file.txt' File.open(path, 'w') do |f| f.write "Yatta!" end assert File.file?(path) end def test_knows_symlink_files_are_files path = '/path/to/file.txt' File.open(path, 'w') do |f| f.write "Yatta!" end FileUtils.ln_s path, sympath='/sympath' assert File.file?(sympath) end def test_knows_non_existent_files_arent_files assert_equal RealFile.file?('does/not/exist.txt'), File.file?('does/not/exist.txt') end def test_can_chown_files good = 'file.txt' bad = 'nofile.txt' File.open(good,'w') { |f| f.write "foo" } out = FileUtils.chown('noone', 'nogroup', good, :verbose => true) assert_equal [good], out assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do FileUtils.chown('noone', 'nogroup', bad, :verbose => true) end assert_equal [good], FileUtils.chown('noone', 'nogroup', good) assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do FileUtils.chown('noone', 'nogroup', bad) end assert_equal [good], FileUtils.chown('noone', 'nogroup', [good]) assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do FileUtils.chown('noone', 'nogroup', [good, bad]) end end def test_can_chown_R_files FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path/' File.open('/path/foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo' } File.open('/path/foobar', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo' } resp = FileUtils.chown_R('no', 'no', '/path') assert_equal ['/path'], resp end def test_dir_globs_paths FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path' File.open('/path/foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo' } File.open('/path/foobar', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo' } FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path/bar' File.open('/path/bar/baz', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo' } FileUtils.cp_r '/path/bar', '/path/bar2' assert_equal ['/path'], Dir['/path'] assert_equal %w( /path/bar /path/bar2 /path/foo /path/foobar ), Dir['/path/*'] assert_equal ['/path/bar/baz'], Dir['/path/bar/*'] assert_equal ['/path/foo'], Dir['/path/foo'] assert_equal ['/path'], Dir['/path*'] assert_equal ['/path/foo', '/path/foobar'], Dir['/p*h/foo*'] assert_equal ['/path/foo', '/path/foobar'], Dir['/p??h/foo*'] FileUtils.cp_r '/path', '/otherpath' assert_equal %w( /otherpath/foo /otherpath/foobar /path/foo /path/foobar ), Dir['/*/foo*'] end def test_dir_glob_handles_root FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path' # this fails. the root dir should be named '/' but it is '.' #assert_equal ['/'], Dir['/'] end def test_chdir_changes_directories_like_a_boss # I know memes! FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path' assert_equal '.', FileSystem.fs.name assert_equal({}, FileSystem.fs['path']) Dir.chdir '/path' do File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo'} File.open('foobar', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo'} end assert_equal '.', FileSystem.fs.name assert_equal(['foo', 'foobar'], FileSystem.fs['path'].keys.sort) c = nil Dir.chdir '/path' do c = File.open('foo', 'r') { |f| f.read } end assert_equal 'foo', c end def test_chdir_shouldnt_keep_us_from_absolute_paths FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path' Dir.chdir '/path' do File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo'} File.open('/foobar', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo'} end assert_equal ['foo'], FileSystem.fs['path'].keys.sort assert_equal ['foobar', 'path'], FileSystem.fs.keys.sort Dir.chdir '/path' do FileUtils.rm('foo') FileUtils.rm('/foobar') end assert_equal [], FileSystem.fs['path'].keys.sort assert_equal ['path'], FileSystem.fs.keys.sort end def test_chdir_should_be_nestable FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path/me' Dir.chdir '/path' do File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo'} Dir.chdir 'me' do File.open('foobar', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo'} end end assert_equal ['foo','me'], FileSystem.fs['path'].keys.sort assert_equal ['foobar'], FileSystem.fs['path']['me'].keys.sort end def test_chdir_should_flop_over_and_die_if_the_dir_doesnt_exist assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) do Dir.chdir('/nope') do 1 end end end def test_chdir_shouldnt_lose_state_because_of_errors FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path' Dir.chdir '/path' do File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo'} File.open('foobar', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo'} end begin Dir.chdir('/path') do raise Exception end rescue Exception # hardcore end Dir.chdir('/path') do begin Dir.chdir('nope'){ } rescue Errno::ENOENT end assert_equal ['/path'], FileSystem.dir_levels end assert_equal(['foo', 'foobar'], FileSystem.fs['path'].keys.sort) end def test_chdir_with_no_block_is_awesome FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path' Dir.chdir('/path') FileUtils.mkdir_p 'subdir' assert_equal ['subdir'], FileSystem.current_dir.keys Dir.chdir('subdir') File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo'} assert_equal ['foo'], FileSystem.current_dir.keys assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do Dir.chdir('subsubdir') end assert_equal ['foo'], FileSystem.current_dir.keys end def test_current_dir_reflected_by_pwd FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path' Dir.chdir('/path') assert_equal '/path', Dir.pwd assert_equal '/path', Dir.getwd FileUtils.mkdir_p 'subdir' Dir.chdir('subdir') assert_equal '/path/subdir', Dir.pwd assert_equal '/path/subdir', Dir.getwd end def test_file_open_defaults_to_read File.open('foo','w') { |f| f.write 'bar' } assert_equal 'bar', File.open('foo') { |f| f.read } end def test_flush_exists_on_file r = File.open('foo','w') { |f| f.write 'bar'; f.flush } assert_equal 'foo', r.path end def test_mv_should_raise_error_on_missing_file assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) do FileUtils.mv 'blafgag', 'foo' end end def test_mv_actually_works File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'bar' } FileUtils.mv 'foo', 'baz' assert_equal 'bar', File.open('baz') { |f| f.read } end def test_cp_actually_works File.open('foo', 'w') {|f| f.write 'bar' } FileUtils.cp('foo', 'baz') assert_equal 'bar', File.read('baz') end def test_cp_file_into_dir File.open('foo', 'w') {|f| f.write 'bar' } FileUtils.mkdir_p 'baz' FileUtils.cp('foo', 'baz') assert_equal 'bar', File.read('baz/foo') end def test_cp_overwrites_dest_file File.open('foo', 'w') {|f| f.write 'FOO' } File.open('bar', 'w') {|f| f.write 'BAR' } FileUtils.cp('foo', 'bar') assert_equal 'FOO', File.read('bar') end def test_cp_fails_on_no_source assert_raise Errno::ENOENT do FileUtils.cp('foo', 'baz') end end def test_cp_fails_on_directory_copy FileUtils.mkdir_p 'baz' assert_raise Errno::EISDIR do FileUtils.cp('baz', 'bar') end end def test_cp_r_doesnt_tangle_files_together File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'bar' } FileUtils.cp_r('foo', 'baz') File.open('baz', 'w') { |f| f.write 'quux' } assert_equal 'bar', File.open('foo') { |f| f.read } end def test_cp_r_should_raise_error_on_missing_file # Yes, this error sucks, but it conforms to the original Ruby # method. assert_raise(RuntimeError) do FileUtils.cp_r 'blafgag', 'foo' end end def test_cp_r_handles_copying_directories FileUtils.mkdir_p 'subdir' Dir.chdir('subdir'){ File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'footext' } } FileUtils.mkdir_p 'baz' # To a previously uncreated directory FileUtils.cp_r('subdir', 'quux') assert_equal 'footext', File.open('quux/foo') { |f| f.read } # To a directory that already exists FileUtils.cp_r('subdir', 'baz') assert_equal 'footext', File.open('baz/subdir/foo') { |f| f.read } # To a subdirectory of a directory that does not exist assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do FileUtils.cp_r('subdir', 'nope/something') end end def test_cp_r_only_copies_into_directories FileUtils.mkdir_p 'subdir' Dir.chdir('subdir') { File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'footext' } } File.open('bar', 'w') { |f| f.write 'bartext' } assert_raises(Errno::EEXIST) do FileUtils.cp_r 'subdir', 'bar' end FileUtils.mkdir_p 'otherdir' FileUtils.ln_s 'otherdir', 'symdir' FileUtils.cp_r 'subdir', 'symdir' assert_equal 'footext', File.open('symdir/subdir/foo') { |f| f.read } end def test_cp_r_sets_parent_correctly FileUtils.mkdir_p '/path/foo' File.open('/path/foo/bar', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo' } File.open('/path/foo/baz', 'w') { |f| f.write 'foo' } FileUtils.cp_r '/path/foo', '/path/bar' assert File.exists?('/path/bar/baz') FileUtils.rm_rf '/path/bar/baz' assert_equal %w( /path/bar/bar ), Dir['/path/bar/*'] end def test_clone_clones_normal_files RealFile.open(here('foo'), 'w') { |f| f.write 'bar' } assert !File.exists?(here('foo')) FileSystem.clone(here('foo')) assert_equal 'bar', File.open(here('foo')) { |f| f.read } ensure RealFile.unlink(here('foo')) if RealFile.exists?(here('foo')) end def test_clone_clones_directories RealFileUtils.mkdir_p(here('subdir')) FileSystem.clone(here('subdir')) assert File.exists?(here('subdir')), 'subdir was cloned' assert File.directory?(here('subdir')), 'subdir is a directory' ensure RealFileUtils.rm_rf(here('subdir')) if RealFile.exists?(here('subdir')) end def test_clone_clones_dot_files_even_hard_to_find_ones RealFileUtils.mkdir_p(here('subdir/.bar/baz/.quux/foo')) assert !File.exists?(here('subdir')) FileSystem.clone(here('subdir')) assert_equal ['.bar'], FileSystem.find(here('subdir')).keys assert_equal ['foo'], FileSystem.find(here('subdir/.bar/baz/.quux')).keys ensure RealFileUtils.rm_rf(here('subdir')) if RealFile.exists?(here('subdir')) end def test_putting_a_dot_at_end_copies_the_contents FileUtils.mkdir_p 'subdir' Dir.chdir('subdir') { File.open('foo', 'w') { |f| f.write 'footext' } } FileUtils.mkdir_p 'newdir' FileUtils.cp_r 'subdir/.', 'newdir' assert_equal 'footext', File.open('newdir/foo') { |f| f.read } end def test_file_can_read_from_symlinks File.open('first', 'w') { |f| f.write '1'} FileUtils.ln_s 'first', 'one' assert_equal '1', File.open('one') { |f| f.read } FileUtils.mkdir_p 'subdir' File.open('subdir/nother','w') { |f| f.write 'works' } FileUtils.ln_s 'subdir', 'new' assert_equal 'works', File.open('new/nother') { |f| f.read } end def test_files_can_be_touched FileUtils.touch('touched_file') assert File.exists?('touched_file') list = ['newfile', 'another'] FileUtils.touch(list) list.each { |fp| assert(File.exists?(fp)) } end def test_touch_does_not_work_if_the_dir_path_cannot_be_found assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do FileUtils.touch('this/path/should/not/be/here') end FileUtils.mkdir_p('subdir') list = ['subdir/foo', 'nosubdir/bar'] assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do FileUtils.touch(list) end end def test_extname assert File.extname("test.doc") == ".doc" end # Directory tests def test_new_directory FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') assert_nothing_raised do Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here') end end def test_new_directory_does_not_work_if_dir_path_cannot_be_found assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do Dir.new('/this/path/should/not/be/here') end end def test_directory_close FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') dir = Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here') assert dir.close.nil? assert_raises(IOError) do dir.each { |dir| dir } end end def test_directory_each test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end dir = Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here') yielded = [] dir.each do |dir| yielded << dir end assert yielded.size == test.size test.each { |t| assert yielded.include?(t) } end def test_directory_path FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') good_path = '/this/path/should/be/here' assert_equal good_path, Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here').path end def test_directory_pos test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end dir = Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here') assert dir.pos == 0 dir.read assert dir.pos == 1 dir.read assert dir.pos == 2 dir.read assert dir.pos == 3 dir.read assert dir.pos == 4 dir.read assert dir.pos == 5 end def test_directory_pos_assign test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end dir = Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here') assert dir.pos == 0 dir.pos = 2 assert dir.pos == 2 end def test_directory_read test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end dir = Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here') assert dir.pos == 0 d = dir.read assert dir.pos == 1 assert d == '.' d = dir.read assert dir.pos == 2 assert d == '..' end def test_directory_read_past_length test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end dir = Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here') d = dir.read assert_not_nil d d = dir.read assert_not_nil d d = dir.read assert_not_nil d d = dir.read assert_not_nil d d = dir.read assert_not_nil d d = dir.read assert_not_nil d d = dir.read assert_not_nil d d = dir.read assert_nil d end def test_directory_rewind test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end dir = Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here') d = dir.read d = dir.read assert dir.pos == 2 dir.rewind assert dir.pos == 0 end def test_directory_seek test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end dir = Dir.new('/this/path/should/be/here') d = dir.seek 1 assert d == '..' assert dir.pos == 1 end def test_directory_class_delete FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') Dir.delete('/this/path/should/be/here') assert File.exists?('/this/path/should/be/here') == false end def test_directory_class_delete_does_not_act_on_non_empty_directory test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end assert_raises(SystemCallError) do Dir.delete('/this/path/should/be/here') end end def test_directory_entries test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end yielded = Dir.entries('/this/path/should/be/here') assert yielded.size == test.size test.each { |t| assert yielded.include?(t) } end def test_directory_foreach test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end yielded = [] Dir.foreach('/this/path/should/be/here') do |dir| yielded << dir end assert yielded.size == test.size test.each { |t| assert yielded.include?(t) } end def test_directory_mkdir Dir.mkdir('/path') assert File.exists?('/path') end def test_directory_mkdir_relative FileUtils.mkdir_p('/new/root') FileSystem.chdir('/new/root') Dir.mkdir('path') assert File.exists?('/new/root/path') end def test_directory_mkdir_not_recursive assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do Dir.mkdir('/path/does/not/exist') end end def test_directory_open test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end dir = Dir.open('/this/path/should/be/here') assert dir.path == '/this/path/should/be/here' end def test_directory_open_block test = ['.', '..', 'file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3', 'file_4', 'file_5' ] FileUtils.mkdir_p('/this/path/should/be/here') test.each do |f| FileUtils.touch("/this/path/should/be/here/#{f}") end yielded = [] Dir.open('/this/path/should/be/here') do |dir| yielded << dir end assert yielded.size == test.size test.each { |t| assert yielded.include?(t) } end def test_tmpdir assert Dir.tmpdir == "/tmp" end def here(fname) RealFile.expand_path(RealFile.dirname(__FILE__)+'/'+fname) end end