Hello world !
require 'spec_helper' describe Page do before(:each) do Site.any_instance.stubs(:create_default_pages!).returns(true) end it 'should have a valid factory' do Factory.build(:page).should be_valid end # Validations ## %w{site title}.each do |field| it "should validate presence of #{field}" do page = Factory.build(:page, field.to_sym => nil) page.should_not be_valid page.errors[field.to_sym].should == ["can't be blank"] end end it 'should validate presence of slug' do page = Factory.build(:page, :title => nil, :slug => nil) page.should_not be_valid page.errors[:slug].should == ["can't be blank"] end it 'should validate uniqueness of slug' do page = Factory(:page) (page = Factory.build(:page, :site => page.site)).should_not be_valid page.errors[:slug].should == ["is already taken"] end it 'should validate uniqueness of slug within a "folder"' do site = Factory(:site) root = Factory(:page, :slug => 'index', :site => site) child_1 = Factory(:page, :slug => 'first_child', :parent => root, :site => site) (page = Factory.build(:page, :slug => 'first_child', :parent => root, :site => site)).should_not be_valid page.errors[:slug].should == ["is already taken"] page.slug = 'index' page.valid?.should be_true end %w{admin stylesheets images javascripts}.each do |slug| it "should consider '#{slug}' as invalid" do page = Factory.build(:page, :slug => slug) page.should_not be_valid page.errors[:slug].should == ["is reserved"] end end # Named scopes ## # Associations ## # Methods ## describe 'once created' do it 'should tell if the page is the index one' do Factory.build(:page, :slug => 'index', :site => nil).index?.should be_true Factory.build(:page, :slug => 'index', :depth => 1, :site => nil).index?.should be_false end it 'should have normalized slug' do page = Factory.build(:page, :slug => ' Valid ité.html ') page.valid? page.slug.should == 'Valid_ite' page = Factory.build(:page, :title => ' Valid ité.html ', :slug => nil, :site => page.site) page.should be_valid page.slug.should == 'Valid_ite' end it 'has no cache strategy' do page = Factory.build(:page, :site => nil) page.with_cache?.should == false end end describe '#deleting' do before(:each) do @page = Factory.build(:page) end it 'does not delete the index page' do @page.stubs(:index?).returns(true) lambda { @page.destroy.should be_false @page.errors.first == 'You can not remove index or 404 pages' }.should_not change(Page, :count) end it 'does not delete the 404 page' do @page.stubs(:not_found?).returns(true) lambda { @page.destroy.should be_false @page.errors.first == 'You can not remove index or 404 pages' }.should_not change(Page, :count) end end describe 'accepts_nested_attributes_for used for parts' do before(:each) do @page = Factory.build(:page) @page.parts.build(:name => 'Main content', :slug => 'layout') @page.parts.build(:name => 'Left column', :slug => 'left_sidebar') @page.parts.build(:name => 'Right column', :slug => 'right_sidebar') end it 'should add parts' do attributes = { '0' => { 'slug' => 'footer', 'name' => 'A custom footer', 'value' => 'End of page' } } @page.parts_attributes = attributes @page.parts.size.should == 4 @page.parts.last.slug.should == 'footer' @page.parts.last.disabled.should == false end it 'should update parts' do attributes = { '0' => { 'slug' => 'layout', 'name' => 'A new name', 'value' => 'Hello world' } } @page.parts_attributes = attributes @page.parts.size.should == 3 @page.parts.first.slug.should == 'layout' @page.parts.first.name.should == 'A new name' @page.parts.first.value.should == 'Hello world' end it 'should disable parts' do attributes = { '0' => { 'slug' => 'left_sidebar', 'disabled' => 'true' } } @page.parts_attributes = attributes @page.parts.size.should == 3 @page.parts.first.disabled.should == true @page.parts[1].disabled.should == true @page.parts[2].disabled.should == true end it 'should add/update/disable parts at the same time' do @page.parts.size.should == 3 attributes = { '0' => { 'slug' => 'layout', 'name' => 'Body', 'value' => 'Hello world' }, '1' => { 'slug' => 'left_sidebar', 'disabled' => 'true' }, '2' => { 'id' => @page.parts[2].id, 'value' => 'Content from right sidebar', 'disabled' => 'false' } } @page.parts_attributes = attributes @page.parts.size.should == 3 @page.parts[0].value.should == 'Hello world' @page.parts[1].disabled.should == true @page.parts[2].disabled.should == false end it 'should update it with success (mongoid bug #71)' do @page.save @page = Page.first @page.parts.size.should == 3 @page.parts_attributes = { '0' => { 'slug' => 'header', 'name' => 'A custom header', 'value' => 'Head of page' } } @page.parts.size.should == 4 @page.save @page = Page.first @page.parts.size.should == 4 end end describe 'dealing with page parts' do # DUPLICATED ? before(:each) do @page = Factory.build(:page) @parts = [ PagePart.new(:name => 'Main content', :slug => 'layout'), PagePart.new(:name => 'Left column', :slug => 'left_sidebar'), PagePart.new(:name => 'Right column', :slug => 'right_sidebar') ] @page.send(:update_parts, @parts) end it 'should add new parts from an array of parts' do @page.parts.size.should == 3 @page.parts.shift.name.should == 'Main content' @page.parts.shift.name.should == 'Left column' @page.parts.shift.name.should == 'Right column' end it 'should update parts' do @parts[1].name = 'Very left column' @page.send(:update_parts, @parts) @page.parts.size.should == 3 @page.parts[1].name.should == 'Very left column' @page.parts[1].slug.should == 'left_sidebar' end it 'should disable parts' do @parts = [@parts.shift, @parts.pop] @page.send(:update_parts, @parts) @page.parts.size.should == 3 @page.parts[1].name.should == 'Left column' @page.parts[1].disabled.should be_true end it 'should enable parts previously disabled' do parts_at_first = @parts.clone @parts = [@parts.shift, @parts.pop] @page.send(:update_parts, @parts) @page.send(:update_parts, parts_at_first) @page.parts.size.should == 3 @page.parts[1].name.should == 'Left column' @page.parts[1].disabled.should be_true end end describe 'acts as tree' do before(:each) do @home = Factory(:page) @child_1 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Subpage 1', :slug => 'foo', :parent_id => @home._id, :site => @home.site) end it 'should add root elements' do page_404 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Page not found', :slug => '404', :site => @home.site) Page.roots.count.should == 2 Page.roots.should == [@home, page_404] end it 'should add sub pages' do child_2 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Subpage 2', :slug => 'bar', :parent => @home, :site => @home.site) Page.first.children.count.should == 2 Page.first.children.should == [@child_1, child_2] end it 'should move its children accordingly' do sub_child_1 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Sub Subpage 1', :slug => 'bar', :parent => @child_1, :site => @home.site) archives = Factory(:page, :title => 'archives', :slug => 'archives', :parent => @home, :site => @home.site) posts = Factory(:page, :title => 'posts', :slug => 'posts', :parent => archives, :site => @home.site) @child_1.parent_id = archives._id @child_1.save @child_1.position.should == 2 @home.reload.children.count.should == 1 archives.reload.children.count.should == 2 archives.children.last.depth.should == 2 archives.children.last.position.should == 2 archives.children.last.children.first.depth.should == 3 end it 'should generate a path / url from parents' do @home.fullpath.should == 'index' @home.url.should == 'http://acme.example.com/index.html' @child_1.fullpath.should == 'foo' @child_1.url.should == 'http://acme.example.com/foo.html' nested_page = Factory(:page, :title => 'Sub sub page 1', :slug => 'bar', :parent => @child_1, :site => @home.site) nested_page.fullpath.should == 'foo/bar' nested_page.url.should == 'http://acme.example.com/foo/bar.html' end it 'should destroy descendants as well' do Factory(:page, :title => 'Sub Subpage 1', :slug => 'bar', :parent_id => @child_1._id, :site => @home.site) @child_1.destroy Page.where(:slug => 'bar').first.should be_nil end end describe 'acts as list' do before(:each) do @home = Factory(:page) @child_1 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Subpage 1', :slug => 'foo', :parent => @home, :site => @home.site) @child_2 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Subpage 2', :slug => 'bar', :parent => @home, :site => @home.site) @child_3 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Subpage 3', :slug => 'acme', :parent => @home, :site => @home.site) end it 'should be at the bottom of the folder once created' do [@child_1, @child_2, @child_3].each_with_index { |c, i| c.position.should == i + 1 } end it 'should have its position updated if a sibling is removed' do @child_2.destroy [@child_1, @child_3.reload].each_with_index { |c, i| c.position.should == i + 1 } end end context 'rendering' do before(:each) do @page = Factory.build(:page, :site => nil) @page.parts.build :slug => 'layout', :value => 'Hello world !' @page.parts.build :slug => 'left_sidebar', :value => 'A sidebar...' @page.send(:store_template) @layout = Factory.build(:layout, :site => nil) @layout.send(:store_template) @context = Liquid::Context.new end context 'without layout' do it 'should render the body part' do @page.render(@context).should == 'Hello world !' end end context 'with layout' do it 'should render both the body and sidebar parts' do @page.layout = @layout @page.render(@context).should == %{
Hello world !