Feature: Manage Pages In order to manage pages As an administrator I want to add/edit/delete editable elements of my pages Background: Given I have the site: "test site" set up And I am an authenticated user @javascript Scenario: Insert a control element Given a page named "hello-world" with the template: """ {% block menu %}{% editable_control 'Menu position', options: 'top=Top of the Page,bottom=Bottom of the Page' %}bottom{% endeditable_control %}{% endblock %} """ When I go to the "hello-world" edition page Then "Bottom of the Page" should be selected for "page[editable_elements_attributes][0][content]" When I select "Top of the Page" from "page[editable_elements_attributes][0][content]" And I press "Save" Then I should see "Page was successfully updated." When I reload the page Then "Top of the Page" should be selected for "page[editable_elements_attributes][0][content]"