module Locomotive class ContentEntryPresenter < BasePresenter delegate :_label, :_slug, :_position, :seo_title, :meta_keywords, :meta_description, :file_custom_fields, :has_many_custom_fields, :many_to_many_custom_fields, :to => :source # Lists of all the attributes editable thru the html form for instance # # @returns [ List ] a list of attributes (string) # def safe_attributes self.source.custom_fields_safe_attributes + %w(_slug seo_title meta_keywords meta_description _destroy) end def filtered_custom_fields_methods self.source.custom_fields_methods do |rule| if self.source.is_a_custom_field_many_relationship?(rule['name']) # avoid circular dependencies, it should accept only one deep level self.depth == 0 else true end end end def errors self.source.errors.to_hash.stringify_keys end def content_type_slug self.source.content_type.slug end def included_methods default_list = %w(_label _slug _position content_type_slug file_custom_fields has_many_custom_fields many_to_many_custom_fields safe_attributes) default_list << 'errors' if !!self.options[:include_errors] super + self.filtered_custom_fields_methods + default_list end def method_missing(meth, *arguments, &block) if self.source.custom_fields_methods.include?(meth.to_s) if self.source.is_a_custom_field_many_relationship?(meth.to_s) # go deeper self.source.send(meth).map { |entry| entry.to_presenter(:depth => self.depth + 1) } else self.source.send(meth) rescue nil end else super end end end end