module Locomotive module Import class Pages < Base def process context[:done] = {} # initialize the hash storing pages already processed self.add_page('404') self.add_page('index') Dir[File.join(theme_path, 'app', 'views', 'pages', '**/*')].each do |template_path| fullpath = template_path.gsub(File.join(theme_path, 'app', 'views', 'pages'), '').gsub('.liquid', '').gsub(/^\//, '') next if %w(index 404).include?(fullpath) self.add_page(fullpath) end # make sure all the pages were processed (redirection pages without template for instance) self.pages.each { |fullpath, attributes| self.add_page_without_template(fullpath.to_s) } end protected def add_page_without_template(fullpath) page = context[:done][fullpath] return page if page # already added, so skip it self._save_page!(fullpath, nil) end def add_page(fullpath) page = context[:done][fullpath] return page if page # already added, so skip it template =, 'app', 'views', 'pages', "#{fullpath}.liquid")) rescue "Unable to find #{fullpath}.liquid" self.replace_images!(template) self.build_parent_template(template) self._save_page!(fullpath, template) end def _save_page!(fullpath, template) parent = self.find_parent(fullpath) attributes = { :title => fullpath.split('/').last.humanize, :slug => fullpath.split('/').last, :parent => parent, :raw_template => template, :published => true }.merge(self.pages[fullpath] || {}).symbolize_keys if %w(index 404).include?(fullpath) attributes[:position] = fullpath == 'index' ? 0 : 1 end attributes[:position] = attributes[:position].to_i # templatized ? # TODO: DEBUG PURPOSE # if content_type_slug = attributes.delete(:content_type) # attributes.merge!({ # :templatized => true, # :content_type => site.content_types.where(:slug => content_type_slug).first # }) # end # redirection page ? attributes[:redirect] = true if attributes[:redirect_url].present? # Don't want the editable elements to be imported: they will be regenerated editable_elements_attributes = attributes.delete(:editable_elements) page = site.pages.where(:fullpath => self.sanitize_fullpath(fullpath)).first || page.attributes = attributes! unless editable_elements_attributes.nil? self.assign_editable_elements(page, editable_elements_attributes) end self.log "adding #{page.fullpath} (#{template.blank? ? 'without' : 'with'} template) / #{page.position}" site.reload context[:done][fullpath] = page page end def assign_editable_elements(page, elements) page.reload # editable elements are not synchronized otherwise elements.each do |attributes| element = page.find_editable_element(attributes['block'], attributes['slug']) next if element.nil? if element.respond_to?(:source) unless attributes['content'].blank? asset_path = File.join(theme_path, 'public', attributes['content']) if File.exists?(asset_path) element.source = end end else element.content = attributes['content'] end end! end def build_parent_template(template) # just check if the template contains the extends keyword fullpath = template.scan(/\{% extends \'?([\w|\/]+)\'? %\}/).flatten.first if fullpath # inheritance detected return if fullpath == 'parent' self.add_page(fullpath) end end def find_parent(fullpath) return nil if %w(index 404).include?(fullpath) # avoid cyclic issue with the index page segments = fullpath.split('/') return site.pages.root.first if segments.size == 1 segments.pop parent_fullpath = segments.join('/').gsub(/^\//, '') # look for a local index page in db parent = site.pages.where(:fullpath => parent_fullpath).first parent || self.add_page(parent_fullpath) end def replace_images!(template) return if template.blank? template.gsub!(/\/samples\/(.*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3})/) do |match| name = File.basename($1) if asset = site.content_assets.where(:source_filename => name).first asset.source.url else match end end end def pages @pages ||= self.retrieve_pages end def retrieve_pages pages = context[:database]['site']['pages'] if pages.is_a?(Array) # ordered list of pages tmp, positions = {}, pages.each do |data| position = nil fullpath = data.keys.first.to_s unless %w(index 404).include?(fullpath) (segments = fullpath.split('/')).pop position_key = segments.empty? ? 'index' : segments.join('/') position = positions[position_key] positions[position_key] += 1 end attributes = (data.values.first || {}).merge(:position => position) tmp[fullpath] = attributes end pages = tmp end pages end def sanitize_fullpath(fullpath) fullpath.gsub(/\/template$/, '/content_type_template') end end end end