# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Locomotive::Page do before(:each) do Locomotive::Site.any_instance.stubs(:create_default_pages!).returns(true) Locomotive::Page.any_instance.stubs(:set_default_raw_template).returns(true) end describe 'wildcards' do before(:each) do @page = FactoryGirl.build(:page, :parent => FactoryGirl.build(:page), :title => 'Project template', :slug => 'permalink', :wildcard => true) end it 'has a fullpath with wildcards' do @page.wildcard?.should be_true end it 'returns a nice output of the fullpath' do @page.fullpath = 'archives/*/projects/*' @page.wildcards = %w(month permalink) @page.pretty_fullpath.should == 'archives/:month/projects/:permalink' end it 'compiles a fullpath with wildcards' do @page.fullpath = 'archives/*/projects/*' @page.wildcards = %w(month permalink) @page.compiled_fullpath('month' => 'june', 'permalink' => 'hello-world').should == 'archives/june/projects/hello-world' end describe 'building the fullpath' do it 'returns "index" for the root page' do @page = FactoryGirl.build(:page) @page.send(:build_fullpath) @page.fullpath.should == 'index' end it 'returns "404" for the "page not found" page' do @page = FactoryGirl.build(:page, :slug => '404') @page.send(:build_fullpath) @page.fullpath.should == '404' end it 'includes a single "*" if the page enables wildcards' do @page.send(:build_fullpath) @page.fullpath.should == '*' end it 'includes a single "*" if the page enables wildcards and if there are a lot of ancestors' do @page.stubs(:parent).returns(FactoryGirl.build(:page, :fullpath => 'archives/projects')) @page.send(:build_fullpath) @page.fullpath.should == 'archives/projects/*' end it 'includes many "*" when there are ancestors enabling wildcards' do @page.stubs(:parent).returns(FactoryGirl.build(:page, :fullpath => 'archives/*/projects')) @page.send(:build_fullpath) @page.fullpath.should == 'archives/*/projects/*' end end describe 'adding wildcards' do it 'fills the array of wildcards' do @page.valid? @page.wildcards.should == %w(permalink) end it 'fills the array of wildcards from ancestors' do @page.parent.stubs(:has_wildcards?).returns(true) @page.parent.wildcards = %w(category month) @page.valid? @page.wildcards.should == %w(category month permalink) end it 'contains a array of valid wildcards' do @page.slug = 'another permalink' @page.valid? @page.wildcards.should == %w(another-permalink) end end describe 'propagating changes' do before(:each) do @home_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page) @archives_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @home_page.site, :parent => @home_page, :slug => 'archives') @month_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @home_page.site, :parent => @archives_page, :slug => 'month') @projects_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @home_page.site, :parent => @month_page, :slug => 'projects') @project_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @home_page.site, :parent => @projects_page, :slug => 'project', :wildcard => true) @posts_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @home_page.site, :parent => @month_page, :slug => 'posts') [@home_page, @archives_page, @month_page, @projects_page, @project_page, @posts_page].map(&:reload) end it 'keeps the wildcards as they were if we modify a slug of an ancestor' do @archives_page.update_attributes :slug => 'my_archives' @project_page.reload @project_page.fullpath.should == 'my_archives/month/projects/*' end it 'modifies a wildcard' do @month_page.update_attributes :wildcard => true @month_page.reload @month_page.update_attributes :slug => 'a_month' @project_page.reload @project_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/*/projects/*' @project_page.wildcards.should == %w(a_month project) end it 'turns a page into a wildcards one' do @month_page.update_attributes :wildcard => true @project_page.reload @project_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/*/projects/*' @posts_page.reload @posts_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/*/posts' end it 'turns off the wildcard property of page' do @month_page.update_attributes :wildcard => true @month_page.reload @month_page.update_attributes :wildcard => false @project_page.reload @project_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/month/projects/*' @project_page.wildcards.should == %w(project) @posts_page.reload @posts_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/month/posts' @posts_page.wildcards.should == [] end end describe 'building the hash map asssociating a wildcard name with its value from a path' do it 'returns an empty map for non wildcards fullpath' do @page.fullpath = 'index' @page.wildcards = nil @page.match_wildcards('index').should be_empty end it 'underscores the wildcard name in the returned hash map' do @page.fullpath = 'projects/*' @page.wildcards = %w(my-permalink) @page.match_wildcards('projects/hello-world').should == { 'my_permalink' => 'hello-world' } end it 'returns a map with one element if the fullpath contains a single wildcard' do @page.fullpath = 'projects/*' @page.wildcards = %w(permalink) @page.match_wildcards('projects/hello-world').should == { 'permalink' => 'hello-world' } end it 'returns a map with as many elements as there are wildcards in the fullpath' do @page.fullpath = 'archives/*/projects/*' @page.wildcards = %w(month permalink) @page.match_wildcards('archives/june/projects/hello-world').should == { 'month' => 'june', 'permalink' => 'hello-world' } end it 'stores the map inside a virtual attribute' do @page.fullpath = 'projects/*' @page.wildcards = %w(permalink) @page.match_wildcards('projects/hello-world') @page.wildcards_hash.should == { 'permalink' => 'hello-world' } end end end end