module Locomotive module Extensions module Page module Render extend ActiveSupport::Concern def render(context) self.template.render(context) end module ClassMethods # Given both a site and a path, this method tries # to get the matching page. # If the page is templatized, the related content entry is # associated to the page (page.content_entry stores the entry). # If no page is found, then it returns the 404 one instead. # # @param [ Site ] site The site where to find the page # @param [ String ] path The fullpath got from the request # @param [ Boolean ] logged_in True if someone is logged in Locomotive # # @return [ Page ] The page matching the criteria OR the 404 one if none # def fetch_page_from_path(site, path, logged_in) page = nil depth = path == 'index' ? 0 : path.split('/').size matching_paths = path == 'index' ? %w(index) : path_combinations(path) site.pages.where(:depth => depth, => matching_paths).each do |_page| if !_page.published? && !logged_in next else if _page.templatized? %r(^#{_page.fullpath.gsub('content_type_template', '([^\/]+)')}$) =~ path permalink = $1 _page.content_entry = _page.fetch_target_entry(permalink) if _page.content_entry.nil? || (!_page.content_entry.visible? && !logged_in) # content instance not found or not visible next end end end page = _page break end page || site.pages.not_found.published.first end # Calculate all the combinations possible based on the # fact that one of the segment of the path could be # a content type from a templatized page. # We postulate that there is only one templatized page in a path # (ie: no nested templatized pages) # # @param [ String ] path The path to the page # # @return [ Array ] An array of all the combinations # def path_combinations(path) _path_combinations(path.split('/')) end #:nodoc: def _path_combinations(segments, can_include_template = true) return nil if segments.empty? segment = segments.shift (can_include_template ? [segment, 'content_type_template'] : [segment]).map do |_segment| if (_combinations = _path_combinations(segments.clone, can_include_template && _segment != 'content_type_template')) [*_combinations].map do |_combination| File.join(_segment, _combination) end else [_segment] end end.flatten end end end end end end