module ActionDispatch module Session class MongoidStore < AbstractStore class Session include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps field :data, :type => String, :default => [Marshal.dump({})].pack("m*") index :updated_at end # The class used for session storage. cattr_accessor :session_class self.session_class = Session SESSION_RECORD_KEY = 'rack.session.record'.freeze private def generate_sid end def get_session(env, sid) sid ||= generate_sid session = find_session(sid) env[SESSION_RECORD_KEY] = session [sid, unpack(] end def set_session(env, sid, session_data, options) record = env[SESSION_RECORD_KEY] ||= find_session(sid) = pack(session_data) # Rack spec dictates that set_session should return true or false # depending on whether or not the session was saved or not. # However, ActionPack seems to want a session id instead. ? sid : false end def find_session(id) id = BSON::ObjectId.from_string(id.to_s) @@session_class.first(:conditions => { :_id => id }) || => id) end def pack(data) [Marshal.dump(data)].pack("m*") end def unpack(packed) return nil unless packed Marshal.load(packed.unpack("m*").first) end def destroy(env) session = @@session_class.first(:conditions => { :_id => env[SESSION_RECORD_KEY].id }) session.try(:destroy) env[SESSION_RECORD_KEY] = nil end end end end