module Locomotive module Liquid module Drops class ContentTypes < ::Liquid::Drop def before_method(meth) type = @context.registers[:site].content_types.where(:slug => meth.to_s).first end end class ContentTypeProxyCollection < ProxyCollection def initialize(content_type) @content_type = content_type @collection = nil end def public_submission_url @context.registers[:controller].main_app.locomotive_entry_submissions_url(@content_type.slug) end def before_method(meth) klass = @content_type.entries.klass # delegate to the proxy class if (meth.to_s =~ /^group_by_.+$/) == 0 klass.send(meth, :ordered_entries) else Rails.logger.warn "[Liquid template] trying to call #{meth} on a content_type object" end end protected def collection @collection ||= @content_type.ordered_entries(@context['with_scope']) end end end end end