en: date: formats: default: "%m/%d/%Y" errors: messages: domain_taken: "%{value} is already taken" invalid_domain: "%{value} is invalid" missing_content_for_layout: "should contain 'content_for_layout' liquid tag" needs_admin_account: "One admin account is required at least" protected_page: "You can not remove index or 404 pages" extname_changed: "New file does not have the original extension" array_too_short: "is too small (minimum element number is %{count})" liquid_syntax_error: "Syntax error in page parts, please check the syntax" attributes: defaults: pages: index: title: "Home page" body: "Content of the home page" "404": title: "Page not found" body: "Content of the 404 page" other: body: "Content goes here" page_parts: name: "Body" pagination: previous: "« Previous" next: "Next »"