module Locomotive module Render extend ActiveSupport::Concern module InstanceMethods protected def render_locomotive_page if request.fullpath =~ /^\/admin\// render :template => '/admin/errors/404', :layout => '/admin/layouts/box', :status => :not_found else @page = locomotive_page redirect_to(@page.redirect_url) and return if @page.present? && @page.redirect? render_no_page_error and return if @page.nil? output = @page.render(locomotive_context) self.prepare_and_set_response(output) end end def render_no_page_error render :template => '/admin/errors/no_page', :layout => false end def locomotive_page path = (params[:path] || request.fullpath).clone # TODO: params[:path] is more consistent path = path.split('?').first # take everything before the query string or the lookup fails path.gsub!(/\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2,}$/, '') # remove the page extension path.gsub!(/^\//, '') # remove the leading slash # extract the site locale if path =~ /^(#{current_site.locales.join('|')})+(\/|$)/ I18n.site_locale = $1 path.gsub!($1 + $2, '') end path = 'index' if path.blank? if path != 'index' dirname = File.dirname(path).gsub(/^\.$/, '') # also look for templatized page path path = [path, File.join(dirname, 'content_type_template').gsub(/^\//, '')] end if page = current_site.pages.any_in(:fullpath => [*path]).first if not page.published? and current_admin.nil? page = nil else if page.templatized? @content_instance = page.content_type.contents.where(:_slug => File.basename(path.first)).first if @content_instance.nil? || (!@content_instance.visible? && current_admin.nil?) # content instance not found or not visible page = nil end end end end page || not_found_page end def locomotive_context assigns = { 'site' => current_site, 'page' => @page, 'asset_collections' =>, # depracated, will be removed shortly 'contents' =>, 'current_page' => self.params[:page], 'params' => self.params, 'url' => request.url, 'now' =>, 'today' =>, 'default_locale' => I18n.default_site_locale.to_s, 'current_locale' => I18n.site_locale.to_s, 'locales' => current_site.locales } assigns.merge!(Locomotive.config.context_assign_extensions) assigns.merge!(flash.stringify_keys) # data from api if @page.templatized? # add instance from content type assigns['content_instance'] = @content_instance assigns[@page.content_type.slug.singularize] = @content_instance # just here to help to write readable liquid code end registers = { :controller => self, :site => current_site, :page => @page, :inline_editor => self.editing_page?, :current_admin => current_admin }{}, assigns, registers) end def prepare_and_set_response(output) flash.discard response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' if @page.with_cache? fresh_when :etag => @page, :last_modified => @page.updated_at.utc, :public => true if @page.cache_strategy != 'simple' # varnish response.cache_control[:max_age] = @page.cache_strategy end end render :text => output, :layout => false, :status => page_status end def not_found_page current_site.pages.not_found.published.first end def editing_page? self.params[:editing] == true && current_admin end def page_status @page.not_found? ? :not_found : :ok end end end end