en: admin: buttons: login: Log in send_password: Send change_password: Update new_item: "+ add" messages: confirm: Are you sure ? shared: header: welcome: Welcome, %{name} see: See website logout: Log out menu: contents: Contents assets: Assets settings: Settings pages: Pages layouts: Layouts snippets: Snippets account: My account site: Site theme_assets: Theme files footer: who_is_behind: "Service developed by %{development} and designed by Sacha Greif" form_actions: back: Back without saving create: Create update: Update custom_fields: edit: title: Editing custom field kind: string: Simple Input text: Text category: Select boolean: Checkbox date: Date file: File text_formatting: none: None html: HTML edit_field: title: Edit field edit_category: title: Edit options help: Manage the list of options for your select box. collection_label: List of options custom_form: edit_categories: Edit options delete_file: Delete file sessions: new: title: Login link: "I forgot my password" email: "Email" password: "Password" passwords: new: title: Forgot password link: "→ Back to login page" email: "Your email" edit: title: Update my password link: "→ Back to login page" password: "Your new password" password_confirmation: "Confirmation of your new password" pages: index: title: Listing pages help: "Pages are organized as a tree. You can order pages as well as folders" no_items: "There are no pages for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: new page lastest_items: Lastest pages new: title: New page help: "Please fill in the below form to create your page. Be careful, by default, the page is not published." page: updated_at: updated at edit: show: show help: "The page title can be updated by clicking it." ask_for_title: "Please type the new page title" form: cache_strategy: none: None simple: Simple hour: 1 hour day: 1 day week: 1 week month: 1 month layouts: index: title: Listing layouts help: "Layouts give the look of a page (1, 2 or many columns)." no_items: "There are no layouts for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: new layout new: title: New layout help: "Fill in the form below to create your layout." edit: title: Editing layout help: "Fill in the form below to update your layout." new: new layout layout: updated_at: Updated at snippets: index: title: Listing snippets help: "Snippets are portion of HTML code which can be found at different places within the site (such as a footer)." no_items: "There are no snippets for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: new snippet new: title: New snippet help: "Fill in the form below to update your snippet." edit: title: Editing snippet help: "Fill in the form below to update your snippet." snippet: updated_at: Updated at sites: new: title: New site help: "Fill in the form below to create your new site." current_sites: edit: new_membership: add account help: "The site name can be updated by clicking it." ask_for_name: "Please type the new site name" memberships: new: title: New membership help: "Please give the account email to add. If it does not exist, you will be redirected to the account creation form." accounts: new: title: New account help: "Fill in the form below to add a new account." my_accounts: edit: help: "Your name can be updated by clicking it." new_site: new site en: English fr: French ask_for_name: "Please type your new name" theme_assets: index: title: Listing theme files help: "Theme assets represent files needed by layouts and snippets. If you need to manage an image gallery, go to the Assets section instead." new: new file css_and_js: Style and javascript fonts: Fonts images: Images flashes: Flash no_items: "There are no files for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: title: New file help: "You have the choice to either upload any file or to copy/paste a stylesheet or a javascript in plain text." edit: title: "Editing %{file}" help: "You can use it by copying/pasting the following url: %{url}" form: picker_link: Insert a file into the code choose_file: Choose file choose_plain_text: Choose plain text images: title: Listing images no_items: "There are no files for now." asset_collections: index: title: Asset collections help: "The collection name can be updated by clicking it. You can customize assets in a collection by adding new fields." new: new collection no_items: "There are no collections for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: title: New collection help: "For now, just type a name. Other settings will come once the form is sent." edit: help: "The collection name can be updated by clicking it. You can customize assets in a collection by adding new fields." add_asset: add asset destroy: remove collection no_items: "There are no assets for now. Just click here to create the first one." ask_for_name: "Please type the new name" assets: new: title: New asset help: "Fill in the form below to create your asset." edit: title: Edit asset help: "Fill in the form below to update your asset." content_types: index: new: new model new: title: New model help: "Create your own data model (Projects, People, ...etc). Your model should have one field at least. The items created from this content type would have their first field mandatory." edit: title: Editing model help: "Your model should have one field at least. The items created from this content type would have their first field mandatory." show_items: show items new_item: new item form: order_by: updated_at: 'By "updated at" date' position_in_list: Manually contents: index: title: 'Listing "%{type}"' edit: edit model destroy: remove model download: download items new: new item category_noname: "No name" lastest_items: "Lastest items" updated_at: "Updated at" list: no_items: "There are no items for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: title: '%{type} — new item' edit: title: '%{type} — editing item' image_picker: link: Insert an image into the code formtastic: titles: information: General information meta: SEO Metadata code: Code credentials: Credentials language: Language sites: Sites access_points: Access points memberships: Accounts membership_email: Account email file: File preview: Preview options: Advanced options custom_fields: Custom fields other_fields: Other information presentation: Presentation attributes: Attributes labels: theme_asset: new: source: File edit: source: Replace file custom_fields: field: _alias: Alias hints: page: published: "Only authenticated accounts can view unpublished pages." cache_strategy: "Cache the page for better performance. The 'Simple' choice is a good compromise." templatized: "Use the page as a template for a model you defined." snippet: slug: "You need to know it in order to insert the snippet inside a page or a layout" site: meta_keywords: "Meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separeted by an empty space. Required for SEO." meta_description: "Meta description used within the head tag of the page. Required for SEO." domain_name: "ex: locomotiveapp.org" theme_asset: slug: "You do not need to add the extension file (.css or .js)" edit: source: "You can replace it by a file of the same extension" custom_fields: field: _alias: "Property available in liquid templates" hint: "Text displayed in the model form just below the field"