require 'ostruct' module Locomotive module Import class ContentTypes < Base def process return if content_types.nil? contents_with_associations, content_types_with_associations = [], [] content_types.each do |name, attributes| self.log "[content_types] slug = #{attributes['slug']}" content_type = site.content_types.where(:slug => attributes['slug']).first content_type_name = attributes['name'] || name if content_type.nil? content_type = self.build_content_type(attributes.merge(:name => content_type_name)) else self.update_attributes(content_type, attributes.merge(:name => content_type_name)) end self.add_or_update_fields(content_type, attributes['fields']) if content_type.content_custom_fields.any? { |f| ['has_many', 'has_one'].include?(f.kind) } content_types_with_associations << content_type end self.set_highlighted_field_name(content_type) self.set_order_by_value(content_type) self.set_group_by_value(content_type) if options[:samples] && attributes['contents'] contents_with_associations += self.insert_samples(content_type, attributes['contents']) end! end # look up for associations and replace their target field by the real class name self.replace_target(content_types_with_associations) # update all the contents with associations now that every content is stored in mongodb self.insert_samples_with_associations(contents_with_associations) # invalidate the cache of the dynamic classes (custom fields) site.content_types.all.collect { |c| c.invalidate_content_klass; c.fetch_content_klass } end protected def content_types database['site']['content_types'] end def cleanse_attributes(data) attributes = { :group_by_field_name => data.delete('group_by') }.merge(data) attributes.delete_if { |name, value| %w{fields contents}.include?(name) } attributes end def build_content_type(data) attributes = cleanse_attributes(data) end def update_attributes(content_type, data) attributes = cleanse_attributes(data) content_type.update_attributes!(attributes) end def add_or_update_fields(content_type, fields) fields.each_with_index do |data, position| name, data = data.keys.first, data.values.first reverse_lookup = data.delete('reverse') attributes = { :_alias => name, :label => name.humanize, :kind => 'string', :position => position }.merge(data).symbolize_keys field = content_type.content_custom_fields.detect { |f| f._alias == attributes[:_alias] } field ||= field.send(:set_unique_name!) if field.new_record? field.attributes = attributes field[:kind] = field[:kind].downcase # old versions of the kind field are capitalized field[:tmp_reverse_lookup] = reverse_lookup # use the ability in mongoid to set free attributes on the fly end end def replace_target(content_types) content_types.each do |content_type| content_type.content_custom_fields.each do |field| next unless ['has_many', 'has_one'].include?(field.kind) target_content_type = site.content_types.where(:slug => if target_content_type = target_content_type.content_klass.to_s if field[:tmp_reverse_lookup] field.reverse_lookup = field[:tmp_reverse_lookup] field.reverse_lookup = field.safe_reverse_lookup # make sure we store the true value end end end end end def insert_samples(content_type, contents) contents_with_associations = [] contents.each_with_index do |data, position| value, attributes = data.is_a?(Array) ? [data.first, data.last] : [data.keys.first, data.values.first] associations = [] # build with default attributes content = content_type.contents.where(content_type.highlighted_field_name.to_sym => value).first if content.nil? content = => value, :_position_in_list => position) end %w(_permalink seo_title meta_description meta_keywords).each do |attribute| new_value = attributes.delete(attribute) next if new_value.blank? content.send("#{attribute}=".to_sym, new_value) end attributes.each do |name, value| field = content_type.content_custom_fields.detect { |f| f._alias == name } next if field.nil? # the attribute name is not related to a field (name misspelled ?) kind = field.kind if ['has_many', 'has_one'].include?(kind) associations << => name, :kind => kind, :value => value, :target => next end value = (case kind when 'file' then self.open_sample_asset(value) when 'boolean' then Boolean.set(value) when 'date' then value.is_a?(Date) ? value : Date.parse(value) when 'category' if field.category_items.detect { |item| == value }.nil? :name => value end value else # string, text value end) content.send("#{name}=", value) end content.send(:set_slug) => false) contents_with_associations << [content, associations] unless associations.empty? self.log "insert content '#{content.send(content_type.highlighted_field_name.to_sym)}'" end contents_with_associations end def insert_samples_with_associations(contents) contents.each do |content_information| next if content_information.empty? content, associations = content_information content = content._parent.reload.contents.find(content._id) # target should be updated associations.each do |association| target_content_type = site.content_types.where(:slug => next if target_content_type.nil? value = (case association.kind when 'has_one' then target_content_type.contents.detect { |c| c.highlighted_field_value == association.value } when 'has_many' then association.value.collect do |v| target_content_type.contents.detect { |c| c.highlighted_field_value == v }._id end end) content.send("#{}=", value) end end end def set_highlighted_field_name(content_type) field = content_type.content_custom_fields.detect { |f| f._alias == content_type.highlighted_field_name.to_s } content_type.highlighted_field_name = field._name if field end def set_order_by_value(content_type) self.log "order by #{content_type.order_by}" order_by = (case content_type.order_by when 'manually', '_position_in_list' then '_position_in_list' when 'default', 'created_at' then 'created_at' else content_type.content_custom_fields.detect { |f| f._alias == content_type.order_by }._name rescue nil end) self.log "order by (after) #{order_by}" content_type.order_by = order_by || '_position_in_list' end def set_group_by_value(content_type) return if content_type.group_by_field_name.blank? field = content_type.content_custom_fields.detect { |f| f._alias == content_type.group_by_field_name } content_type.group_by_field_name = field._name if field end end end end