en: formtastic: titles: information: General information advanced_options: Advanced options meta: SEO Metadata seo: SEO settings robots_txt: Robots.txt file code: Code raw_template: Template credentials: Credentials language: Language sites: Sites access_points: Access points memberships: Accounts membership_email: Account email file: File preview: Preview options: Advanced options custom_fields: Custom fields other_fields: Other information presentation: Presentation attributes: Attributes upload: Upload labels: theme_asset: plain_text_name: File name content_type: File type new: source: File edit: source: Replace file custom_fields: field: name: Alias content_type: raw_item_template: Item template public_submission_enabled: Public submission public_submission_accounts: Notified Accounts "custom_fields/field": select_options: "Options" content_entry: _slug: Permalink account: edit: locale: UI Language password: New password password_confirmation: New password confirmation page: seo_title: Title target_klass_name: Model site: locales: Languages hints: page: handle: "Unique identifier to retrieve this page within an external controller instance" published: "Only authenticated accounts can view unpublished pages." cache_strategy: "Cache the page for better performance. The 'Simple' choice is a good compromise." templatized: "Use the page as a template for a model you defined." listed: "Control whether to show the page from generated menus." target_klass_name: "The type of content this page will be a template for." seo_title: "Define a page title which should be used as the value for the title tag in the head section. Leave it empty if you want to use the default value from the site settings." meta_keywords: "Overrides the site's meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separated by a comma." meta_description: "Overrides the site's meta description used within the head tag of the page." snippet: slug: "You need to know it in order to insert the snippet inside a page" site: locales: "Drag&drop a flag to the first position to make it the default one." seo_title: "Define a global value here which should be used as the value for the title tag in the head section." meta_keywords: "Meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separated by a comma. Required for SEO." meta_description: "Meta description used within the head tag of the page. Required for SEO." domain_name: "ex: locomotiveapp.org" robots_txt: "Content of the /robots.txt file. Check the following url for more information." theme_asset: slug: "You do not need to add the extension file (.css or .js)" edit: source: "You can replace it by a file of the same extension" asset: source: "All file types are accepted." edit: source: "The current file is available here %{url}" update: source: "The current file is available here %{url}" content_entry: _slug: "Property used to generate the url of a page working as a template for this content type (ex: \"template_page/{{ your_object._permalink }})\"." seo_title: "The value you fill in will replace the SEO title of the templatized page related to your model." meta_keywords: "Overrides the site's meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separated by a comma." meta_description: "Overrides the site's meta description used within the head tag of the page." import: source: "A zipfile containing a database.yml along with assets and templates" samples: "If enabled, the import process will also copy contents and assets" reset: "If enabled, all the data of your site will be destroyed before importing the new site" content_type: name: "We suggest you to type the plural form of the model. Ex: Projects, Recipes, Posts, Articles, ...etc" slug: "It will be used as the name of the collection in the liquid templates. Ex: {{ contents.my_projects }}" raw_item_template: "You can customize the text displayed for each item in the list. Simply use Liquid. Ex: {{ entry.name }})" public_submission_enabled: "It is used to let people from outside to create new entries (example: messages in a contact form)" public_submission_accounts: "If the public submission option is enabled and for each entry created, sends a notification email to the accounts listed above." "custom_fields/field": name: "Name of the property for liquid templates. Ex: {{ your_object.<name_of_your_field> }}" hint: "Text displayed in the model form just below the field"