class Snippet include Locomotive::Mongoid::Document ## fields ## field :name field :slug field :template ## associations ## referenced_in :site ## callbacks ## before_validation :normalize_slug after_save :update_templates after_destroy :update_templates # TODO: after_save callback to let pages embedding this snippet know about the changes the user has just made. ## validations ## validates_presence_of :site, :name, :slug, :template validates_uniqueness_of :slug, :scope => :site_id ## methods ## protected def normalize_slug self.slug = if self.slug.blank? && self.slug.slugify!(:without_extension => true, :downcase => true) if self.slug.present? end def update_templates pages = => [self.slug]).to_a pages.each do |page| self._change_snippet_inside_template(page.template.root) page.send(:_serialize_template) && end end def _change_snippet_inside_template(node) case node when Locomotive::Liquid::Tags::Snippet node.refresh(self) if node.slug == self.slug when Locomotive::Liquid::Tags::Block self._change_snippet_inside_template(node.parent) if node.parent else if node.respond_to?(:nodelist) node.nodelist.each do |child| self._change_snippet_inside_template(child) end end end end end