Given /^a simple page named "([^"]*)" with the body:$/ do |page_slug, page_contents| @page = create_content_page(page_slug, page_contents) end # modify an editable element Given /^the editable element "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)" page with the content "([^"]*)"$/ do |slug, page_slug, content| page = @site.pages.where(:slug => page_slug).first page.find_editable_element(nil, slug).content = content! end # modify an editable element Given /^the editable element "([^"]*)" for the "([^"]*)" block in the "([^"]*)" page with the content "([^"]*)"$/ do |slug, block, page_slug, content| page = @site.pages.where(:slug => page_slug).first page.find_editable_element(block, slug).content = content! end