require 'bushido' require 'jammit' require 'net/http' namespace :bushido do desc "Prepare an app to run on the Bushido hosting platform, only called during the initial installation. Called just before booting the app." task :install => :environment do # re-built assets Jammit.package! if ENV['BUSHIDO_USER_EMAIL'] && ENV['BUSHIDO_USER_ID'] # already logged in in Bushido account = Account.create!({ :email => ENV['BUSHIDO_USER_EMAIL'], :name => ENV['BUSHIDO_USER_NAME'] || ENV['BUSHIDO_USER_EMAIL'].split('@').first, :bushido_user_id => ENV['BUSHIDO_USER_ID'], :password => ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.base64(6) }) else # create an anonymous account right away account = Account.create!({ :email => "#{ENV['BUSHIDO_APP']}@#{ENV['BUSHIDO_HOST']}", :name => ENV['BUSHIDO_APP'], :password => ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.base64(6) }) end # create the site site = Site.create_first_one(:name => ENV['LOCOMOTIVE_SITE_NAME'] || ENV['BUSHIDO_APP']) # fetch the site template template_url = ENV['SITE_TEMPLATE_URL'] || Locomotive::Import::DEFAULT_SITE_TEMPLATE template_url = "http://#{template_url}" unless template_url =~ /^https?:\/\// template_local_path = "#{Rails.root}/permanent/" uri = URI.parse(template_url) http =, uri.port) if template_url.starts_with?('https') # ssl request ? http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end case http.request( when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPFound `curl -L -s -o #{template_local_path} #{template_url}` tmp, Locomotive.config.delayed_job = Locomotive.config.delayed_job, false # disable DJ during this import!(, site, { :samples => true }) Locomotive.config.delayed_job = tmp # restore DJ flag else # do nothing end end desc "Perform custom actions triggered by the Bushido hosting platform." task :message => :environment do event = ::Bushido::App.last_event puts "processing...#{event.inspect}" case event.category.to_s when 'user' case when 'create' # an user has just claimed his application account = Account.order_by(:created_at).first =['email'] account.bushido_user_id =['id']! end end end desc "Prepare an app to run on the Bushido hosting platform, called on every update. Called just before booting the app." task :update do # re-built assets Jammit.package! end end