module Models module Extensions module Page module Parse extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do field :serialized_template, :type => Binary field :template_dependencies, :type => Array, :default => [] field :snippet_dependencies, :type => Array, :default => [] attr_reader :template_changed before_validation :serialize_template after_save :update_template_descendants validate :template_must_be_valid scope :pages, lambda { |domain| { :any_in => { :domains => [*domain] } } } end module InstanceMethods def template @template ||= Marshal.load(read_attribute(:serialized_template).to_s) rescue nil end protected def serialize_template if self.new_record? || self.raw_template_changed? @template_changed = true @parsing_errors = [] begin self._parse_and_serialize_template rescue ::Liquid::SyntaxError => error @parsing_errors << :liquid_syntax rescue ::Locomotive::Liquid::PageNotFound => error @parsing_errors << :liquid_extend end end end def _parse_and_serialize_template(context = {}) self.parse(context) self._serialize_template end def _serialize_template self.serialized_template = end def parse(context = {}) self.disable_all_editable_elements default_context = { :site =>, :page => self, :templates => [], :snippets => [] } context = default_context.merge(context) @template = ::Liquid::Template.parse(self.raw_template, context) self.template_dependencies = context[:templates] self.snippet_dependencies = context[:snippets] @template.root.context.clear end def template_must_be_valid @parsing_errors.try(:each) { |msg| self.errors.add :template, msg } end def update_template_descendants return unless @template_changed == true # we admit at this point that the current template is up-to-date template_descendants = => []).to_a # group them by fullpath for better performance cached = template_descendants.inject({}) { |memo, page| memo[page.fullpath] = page; memo } self._update_direct_template_descendants(template_descendants, cached) # finally save them all end def _update_direct_template_descendants(template_descendants, cached) direct_descendants = do |page| ((page.template_dependencies || []) - (self.template_dependencies || [])).size == 1 end direct_descendants.each do |page| page.send(:_parse_and_serialize_template, { :cached_parent => self, :cached_pages => cached }) page.send(:_update_direct_template_descendants, template_descendants, cached) end end end end end end end