module Locomotive class MiscFormBuilder < Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder @@all_fields_required_by_default = false def foldable_inputs(*args, &block) opts = args.extract_options! unfolded = !(opts[:class] || '').index('off').nil? || @object.new_record? || !@object.errors.empty? opts[:class] = (opts[:class] || '') + " inputs foldable #{'folded' unless unfolded}" args.push(opts) self.inputs(*args, &block) end def custom_input(name, options = {}, &block) default_options = { :css => '', :with_label => true, :label => nil } options = default_options.merge(options) html = options[:with_label] ? self.label(options[:label] || name) : '' html += template.capture(&block) || '' html += inline_hints_for(name, options) || '' html += self.errors_on(name) || '' template.content_tag(:li, template.find_and_preserve(html), :style => "#{options[:style]}", :class => "#{options[:css]} #{'error' unless @object.errors[name].empty?}") end def inline_errors_on(method, options = nil) if render_inline_errors? errors = @object.errors[method.to_sym] template.content_tag(:span, [*errors].to_sentence.untaint, :class => 'inline-errors') if errors.present? else nil end end # FIXME (Did): allows to pass attributes to the I18n translation key def inline_hints_for(method, options) #:nodoc: options[:hint] = localized_string(method, options[:hint], :hint, options[:hint_options] || {}) return if options[:hint].blank? or options[:hint].kind_of? Hash hint_class = options[:hint_class] || default_hint_class template.content_tag(:p, Formtastic::Util.html_safe(options[:hint]), :class => hint_class) end def model_name @object.present? ? (@object.class.model_name || : @object_name.to_s.classify end def normalize_model_name(name) if name =~ /(.+)\[(.+)\]/ [$1, $2] else [name.split('/')].flatten end end # FIXME (Did): why the hell should all the strings be escaped ? def localized_string(key, value, type, options = {}) #:nodoc: key = value if value.is_a?(::Symbol) escaping = options.delete(:escaping) || false if value.is_a?(::String) escaping ? escape_html_entities(value) : value else use_i18n = value.nil? ? i18n_lookups_by_default : (value != false) if use_i18n model_name, nested_model_name = normalize_model_name(self.model_name.underscore) action_name = template.params[:action].to_s rescue '' attribute_name = key.to_s defaults = ::Formtastic::I18n::SCOPES.reject do |i18n_scope| nested_model_name.nil? && i18n_scope.match(/nested_model/) end.collect do |i18n_scope| i18n_path = i18n_scope.dup i18n_path.gsub!('%{action}', action_name) i18n_path.gsub!('%{model}', model_name) i18n_path.gsub!('%{nested_model}', nested_model_name) unless nested_model_name.nil? i18n_path.gsub!('%{attribute}', attribute_name) i18n_path.gsub!('..', '.') i18n_path.to_sym end defaults << '' defaults.uniq! default_key = defaults.shift i18n_value = ::Formtastic::I18n.t(default_key, options.merge(:default => defaults, :scope => type.to_s.pluralize.to_sym)) if i18n_value.blank? && type == :label # This is effectively what Rails label helper does for i18n lookup options[:scope] = [:helpers, type] options[:default] = defaults i18n_value = ::I18n.t(default_key, options) end if i18n_value.is_a?(::String) i18n_value = escaping ? escape_html_entities(i18n_value) : i18n_value end i18n_value.blank? ? nil : i18n_value end end end end end