module Locomotive class ContentEntryPresenter < BasePresenter delegate :_slug, :_position, :seo_title, :meta_keywords, :meta_description, :to => :source # Returns the value of a field in the context of the current entry. # # @params [ CustomFields::Field ] field The field # # @returns [ Object ] The value of the field for the entry # def value_for(field) getter = [*self.getters_for(, field.type)].first.to_sym self.source.send(getter) end # Returns the list of getters for an entry # # @returns [ List ] a list of method names (string) # def custom_fields_methods self.source.custom_fields_recipe['rules'].map do |rule| self.getters_for rule['name'], rule['type'] end.flatten end # Lists of all the attributes editable by a html form # # @returns [ List ] a list of attributes (string) # def safe_attributes self.source.custom_fields_recipe['rules'].map do |rule| case rule['type'] when 'select' then "#{rule['name']}_id" when 'date' then "formatted_#{rule['name']}" when 'file' then [rule['name'], "remove_#{rule['name']}"] else rule['name'] end end.flatten + %w(_slug seo_title meta_keywords meta_description) end def errors self.source.errors.to_hash.stringify_keys end def content_type_slug self.source.content_type.slug end def _file_fields self.source.custom_fields_recipe['rules'].find_all { |rule| rule['type'] == 'file' }.map { |rule| rule['name'] } end def included_methods default_list = %w(_slug _position content_type_slug _file_fields safe_attributes) default_list << 'errors' if !!self.options[:include_errors] super + self.custom_fields_methods + default_list end def method_missing(meth, *arguments, &block) if self.custom_fields_methods.include?(meth.to_s) self.source.send(meth) rescue nil else super end end protected # Gets the names of the getter methods for a field. # The names depend on the field type. # # @params [ String ] name Name of the field # @params [ String ] type Type of the field # # @returns [ Object ] A string or an array of names def getters_for(name, type) case type when 'select' then [name, "#{name}_id"] when 'date' then "formatted_#{name}" when 'file' then "#{name}_url" else name end end end end