Feature: Many to Many Association As a designer In order to make dealing with models easier I want to be able to display other models that have a many to many association Background: Given I have the site: "test site" set up And I have a custom model named "Articles" with | label | type | required | | Title | string | true | | Body | string | false | And I have a custom model named "Projects" with | label | type | required | target | | Name | string | true | | | Description | text | false | | And I set up a many_to_many relationship between "Articles" and "Projects" And I have entries for "Articles" with | title | body | | Hello world | Lorem ipsum | | Lorem ipsum | Lorem ipsum... | And I have entries for "Projects" with | name | description | | My sexy project | Lorem ipsum | | Foo project | Lorem ipsum... | | Bar project | Lorem ipsum... | | Baz project | Lorem ipsum... | And I attach the "My sexy project" project to the "Hello world" article And I attach the "Baz project" project to the "Hello world" article And I attach the "Foo project" project to the "Hello world" article Scenario: Displaying the entries of a many to many association Given a page named "article-projects" with the template: """ {% assign article = contents.articles.first %}

Projects for {{ article.title }}

""" When I view the rendered page at "/article-projects" Then the rendered output should look like: """

Projects for Hello world
