class Site include Locomotive::Mongoid::Document ## fields ## field :name field :subdomain field :domains, :type => Array, :default => [] field :meta_keywords field :meta_description ## associations ## references_many :pages references_many :snippets, :dependent => :destroy references_many :theme_assets, :dependent => :destroy references_many :asset_collections, :dependent => :destroy references_many :content_types, :dependent => :destroy embeds_many :memberships ## indexes index :domains ## validations ## validates_presence_of :name, :subdomain validates_uniqueness_of :subdomain validates_exclusion_of :subdomain, :in => Locomotive.config.reserved_subdomains validates_format_of :subdomain, :with => Locomotive::Regexps::SUBDOMAIN, :allow_blank => true validate :domains_must_be_valid_and_unique ## callbacks ## after_create :create_default_pages! before_save :add_subdomain_to_domains after_destroy :destroy_pages ## named scopes ## scope :match_domain, lambda { |domain| { :any_in => { :domains => [*domain] } } } scope :match_domain_with_exclusion_of, lambda { |domain, site| { :any_in => { :domains => [*domain] }, :where => { => } } } ## methods ## def domains=(array) array = [] if array.blank?; super(array) end def accounts => self.memberships.collect(&:account_id)) end def admin_memberships self.memberships.find_all { |m| m.admin? } end def add_subdomain_to_domains ||= [] ( << self.full_subdomain).uniq! end def domains_without_subdomain ( || []) - [self.full_subdomain] end def domains_with_subdomain (( || []) + [self.full_subdomain]).uniq end def full_subdomain "#{self.subdomain}.#{Locomotive.config.default_domain}" end def to_liquid end protected def domains_must_be_valid_and_unique return if self.domains_without_subdomain.each do |domain| if self.class.match_domain_with_exclusion_of(domain, self).any? self.errors.add(:domains, :domain_taken, :value => domain) end if not domain =~ Locomotive::Regexps::DOMAIN self.errors.add(:domains, :invalid_domain, :value => domain) end end end def create_default_pages! %w{index 404}.each do |slug| self.pages.create({ :slug => slug, :title => I18n.t("attributes.defaults.pages.#{slug}.title"), :raw_template => I18n.t("attributes.defaults.pages.#{slug}.body"), :published => true }) end end def destroy_pages # pages is a tree so we just need to delete the root (as well as the page not found page) self.pages.index.first.try(:destroy) && self.pages.not_found.first.try(:destroy) end end