Feature: Log in In order to access locomotive admin panel As an administrator I want to log in Background: Given I have the site: "test site" set up Scenario: Successfully logging in When I go to login And I fill in "Email" with "admin@locomotiveapp.org" And I fill in "Password" with "easyone" And I press "Log in" Then I should see "Listing pages" Scenario: Attempting to login with an invalid emai or password When I go to login And I fill in "Email" with "admin@locomotiveapp.org" And I fill in "Password" with "" And I press "Log in" Then I should not see "Listing pages" And I should see "Invalid email or password" Scenario: Attempting to login with an account without a membership Given the following accounts exist: | email | password | password_confirmation | | john@locomotiveapp.org | bluecheese | bluecheese | When I go to login And I fill in "Email" with "john@locomotiveapp.org" And I fill in "Password" with "bluecheese" And I press "Log in" Then I should not see "Listing pages" And I should see "not a member of this site"