module Admin::SitesHelper def application_domain domain = Locomotive.config.domain domain += ":#{request.port}" if request.port != 80 domain end def main_site_url(site = current_site, options = {}) # TODO: to be refactored if multi_sites? url = "http://#{site.subdomain}.#{Locomotive.config.domain}" url += ":#{request.port}" if request.port != 80 else url = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}" end url = File.join(url, request.fullpath) if options.has_key?(:uri) && options[:uri] url end def error_on_domain(site, name) if (error = (site.errors[:domains] || []).detect { |n| n.include?(name) }) content_tag(:span, error, :class => 'inline-errors') else '' end end def manage_subdomain_or_domains? Locomotive.config.manage_subdomain? || Locomotive.config.manage_domains? end def manage_domains? Locomotive.config.manage_domains? end def multi_sites? Locomotive.config.multi_sites? end end