en: admin: buttons: login: Log in send_password: Send change_password: Update new_item: "+ add" switch_to_site: Go messages: confirm: Are you sure ? shared: header: welcome: Welcome, %{name} see: See website logout: Log out menu: contents: Contents assets: Assets settings: Settings pages: Pages snippets: Snippets account: My account site: Site theme_assets: Theme files footer: who_is_behind: "Service developed by %{development} and designed by Sacha Greif" form_actions: back: Back without saving create: Create update: Update send: Send errors: "500": title: Application Error notice: "We're sorry, but something went wrong" link: "→ Back to the application" "404": title: Page not found notice: "The page you requested does not exist." link: "→ Back to the application" custom_fields: edit: title: Editing custom field kind: string: Simple Input text: Text category: Select boolean: Checkbox date: Date file: File text_formatting: none: None html: HTML edit_field: title: Edit field edit_category: title: Edit options help: Manage the list of options for your select box. collection_label: List of options custom_form: edit_categories: Edit options delete_file: Delete file sessions: new: title: Login link: "I forgot my password" email: "Email" password: "Password" passwords: new: title: Forgot password link: "→ Back to login page" email: "Your email" edit: title: Update my password link: "→ Back to login page" password: "Your new password" password_confirmation: "Confirmation of your new password" pages: index: title: Listing pages help: "Pages are organized as a tree. You can order pages as well as folders" no_items: "There are no pages for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: new page lastest_items: Lastest pages new: title: New page help: "Please fill in the below form to create your page. Be careful, by default, the page is not published." page: updated_at: updated at edit: show: show help: "The page title can be updated by clicking it." ask_for_title: "Please type the new page title" form: delete_file: Delete file default_block: Default cache_strategy: none: None simple: Simple hour: 1 hour day: 1 day week: 1 week month: 1 month snippets: index: title: Listing snippets help: "Snippets are portion of HTML code which can be found at different places within the site (such as a footer)." no_items: "There are no snippets for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: new snippet new: title: New snippet help: "Fill in the form below to update your snippet." edit: title: Editing snippet help: "Fill in the form below to update your snippet." snippet: updated_at: Updated at sites: new: title: New site help: "Fill in the form below to create your new site." current_sites: edit: import: import new_membership: add account help: "The site name can be updated by clicking it." ask_for_name: "Please type the new site name" memberships: new: title: New membership help: "Please give the account email to add. If it does not exist, you will be redirected to the account creation form." accounts: new: title: New account help: "Fill in the form below to add a new account." my_accounts: edit: help: "Your name can be updated by clicking it." new_site: new site en: English fr: French ask_for_name: "Please type your new name" theme_assets: index: title: Listing theme files help: "The theme files section is the place where you manage the files needed by your layout, ...etc. If you need to manage an image gallery, go to the Assets section instead." all: all assets new: new file snippets: Snippets css_and_js: Style and javascript fonts: Fonts images: Images media: Media no_items: "There are no files for now. Just click here to create the first one." asset: updated_at: Updated at new: title: New file help: "You have the choice to either upload any file or to copy/paste a stylesheet or a javascript in plain text." edit: title: "Editing %{file}" help: "This asset is accessible from the following url: %{url}" form: picker_link: Insert a file into the code choose_file: Choose file choose_plain_text: Choose plain text images: title: Listing images no_items: "There are no files for now." asset_collections: index: title: Asset collections help: "The collection name can be updated by clicking it. You can customize assets in a collection by adding new fields." new: new collection no_items: "There are no collections for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: title: New collection help: "For now, just type a name. Other settings will come once the form is sent." edit: help: "The collection name can be updated by clicking it. You can customize assets in a collection by adding new fields." add_asset: add asset destroy: remove collection no_items: "There are no assets for now. Just click here to create the first one." ask_for_name: "Please type the new name" assets: new: title: New asset help: "Fill in the form below to create your asset." edit: title: Edit asset help: "Fill in the form below to update your asset." content_types: index: new: new model new: title: New model help: "Create your own data model (Projects, People, ...etc). Your model should have one field at least. The items created from this content type would have their first field mandatory." edit: title: Editing model help: "Your model should have one field at least. The items created from this content type would have their first field mandatory." show_items: show items new_item: new item form: order_by: updated_at: 'By "updated at" date' position_in_list: Manually contents: index: title: 'Listing "%{type}"' edit: edit model destroy: remove model download: download items new: new item category_noname: "No name" lastest_items: "Lastest items" updated_at: "Updated at" list: no_items: "There are no items for now. Just click here to create the first one." new: title: '%{type} — new item' edit: title: '%{type} — editing item' image_picker: link: Insert an image into the code cross_domain_sessions: new: title: Cross-domain authentication notice: You will be redirected to the website in a couple of seconds. imports: new: title: Import help: "Be careful when you upload a new theme for your existing website, your current data could be modified or even removed." show: title: Import in progress help: "Your site is being updated from the theme zip file you have just uploaded. It lasts a couple of seconds." steps: site: Site information content_types: Custom content types assets: Theme files asset_collections: Asset collections snippets: Snippets pages: Pages messages: success: "Your site was successfully updated." failure: "The import did not work." formtastic: titles: information: General information meta: SEO Metadata code: Code raw_template: Template credentials: Credentials language: Language sites: Sites access_points: Access points memberships: Accounts membership_email: Account email file: File preview: Preview options: Advanced options custom_fields: Custom fields other_fields: Other information presentation: Presentation attributes: Attributes upload: Upload labels: theme_asset: new: source: File edit: source: Replace file custom_fields: field: _alias: Alias import: new: source: File hints: page: published: "Only authenticated accounts can view unpublished pages." cache_strategy: "Cache the page for better performance. The 'Simple' choice is a good compromise." templatized: "Use the page as a template for a model you defined." snippet: slug: "You need to know it in order to insert the snippet inside a page" site: meta_keywords: "Meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separeted by an empty space. Required for SEO." meta_description: "Meta description used within the head tag of the page. Required for SEO." domain_name: "ex: locomotiveapp.org" theme_asset: slug: "You do not need to add the extension file (.css or .js)" edit: source: "You can replace it by a file of the same extension" custom_fields: field: _alias: "Property available in liquid templates" hint: "Text displayed in the model form just below the field" import: source: "A zipfile containing a database.yml along with assets and templates"