Feature: Manage Contents In order to manage instances from custom content types As an administrator I want to add/edit/delete custom contents of my site Background: Given I have the site: "test site" set up And I have a custom model named "Projects" with | label | kind | required | | Name | string | true | | Description | text | false | | Category | category | false | And I have "Design, Development" as "Category" values of the "Projects" model And I am an authenticated user And I have entries for "Projects" with | name | description | category | | My sexy project | Lorem ipsum | Development | | Foo project | Lorem ipsum... | Design | | Bar project | Lorem ipsum... | Design | Scenario: When I go to the "Projects" model list page Then I should see "My sexy project" Scenario: Add a new entry When I go to the "Projects" model edition page And I follow "new item" Then I should see "Projects — new item" When I fill in "Name" with "My other sexy project" And I fill in "Description" with "Lorem ipsum...." And I press "Create" Then I should see "Content was successfully created." Scenario: Add an invalid entry When I go to the "Projects" model edition page And I follow "new item" And I fill in "Description" with "Lorem ipsum...." And I press "Create" Then I should not see "Content was successfully created." Scenario: Update an existing entry When I go to the "Projects" model list page And I follow "My sexy project" When I fill in "Name" with "My other sexy project (UPDATED)" And I press "Update" Then I should see "Content was successfully updated." When I go to the "Projects" model list page Then I should see "My other sexy project (UPDATED)" Scenario: Update an invalid entry When I go to the "Projects" model list page And I follow "My sexy project" When I fill in "Name" with "" And I press "Update" Then I should not see "Content was successfully updated." Scenario: Destroy an entry When I go to the "Projects" model list page And I follow image link "Delete" Then I should see "Content was successfully deleted." And I should not see "My sexy project" Scenario: Group entries by category When I go to the "Projects" model list page Then I should not see "Development" And I should not see "Design" When I change the presentation of the "Projects" model by grouping items by "Category" And I go to the "Projects" model list page Then I should see "Development" And I should see "Design"