Locomotive.Views.Shared ||= {} class Locomotive.Views.Shared.FormView extends Backbone.View el: '#content' render: -> # make title editable (if possible) @make_title_editable() @_hide_last_separator() # make inputs foldable (if specified) @make_inputs_foldable() # allow users to save with CTRL+S or CMD+s @enable_save_with_keys_combination() return @ save: (event) -> # by default, follow the default behaviour save_in_ajax: (event, options) -> event.stopPropagation() & event.preventDefault() @clear_errors() options ||= { headers: {}, on_success: null, on_error: null } previous_attributes = _.clone @model.attributes @model.save {}, headers: options.headers success: (model, response, xhr) => model.attributes = previous_attributes options.on_success(response, xhr) if options.on_success error: (model, xhr) => errors = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) @show_errors errors options.on_error() if options.on_error make_title_editable: -> title = @$('h2 a.editable') if title.size() > 0 target = @$("##{title.attr('rel')}") target.parent().hide() title.click (event) => event.stopPropagation() & event.preventDefault() newValue = prompt(title.attr('title'), title.html()); if newValue && newValue != '' title.html(newValue) target.val(newValue).trigger('change') make_inputs_foldable: -> self = @ @$('.formtastic fieldset.foldable.folded ol').hide() @$('.formtastic fieldset.foldable legend').click -> parent = $(@).parent() content = $(@).next() if parent.hasClass 'folded' parent.removeClass 'folded' content.slideDown 100, -> self.after_inputs_fold(parent) else content.slideUp 100, -> parent.addClass('folded') enable_save_with_keys_combination: -> $.cmd 'S', (() => @$('form').trigger('submit')), [], ignoreCase: true after_inputs_fold: -> # overide this method if necessary clear_errors: -> @$('.inline-errors').remove() show_errors: (errors) -> for attribute, message of errors if _.isString(message[0]) html = $("


") @show_error attribute, message[0], html else @show_error attribute, message show_error: (attribute, message, html) -> input = @$("##{@model.paramRoot}_#{attribute}") input = @$("##{@model.paramRoot}_#{attribute}_id") if input.size() == 0 return unless input.size() > 0 anchor = input.parent().find('.error-anchor') anchor = input if anchor.size() == 0 anchor.after(html) _enable_checkbox: (name, options) -> options ||= {} model_name = options.model_name || @model.paramRoot @$("li##{model_name}_#{name}_input input[type=checkbox]").checkToggle on_callback: => _.each options.features, (exp) -> @$("li##{model_name}_#{exp}_input").hide() options.on_callback() if options.on_callback? @_hide_last_separator() off_callback: => _.each options.features, (exp) -> @$("li##{model_name}_#{exp}_input").show() options.off_callback() if options.off_callback? @_hide_last_separator() _hide_last_separator: -> _.each @$('fieldset'), (fieldset) => $(fieldset).find('li.last').removeClass('last') $(_.last($(fieldset).find('li.input:visible'))).addClass('last')