module Locomotive class ContentType include Locomotive::Mongoid::Document ## extensions ## include CustomFields::Source include Extensions::ContentType::ItemTemplate ## fields ## field :name field :description field :slug field :label_field_id, :type => BSON::ObjectId field :label_field_name field :group_by_field_id, :type => BSON::ObjectId field :order_by field :order_direction, :default => 'asc' field :public_submission_enabled, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :public_submission_accounts, :type => Array ## associations ## belongs_to :site, :class_name => 'Locomotive::Site' has_many :entries, :class_name => 'Locomotive::ContentEntry', :dependent => :destroy ## named scopes ## scope :ordered, :order_by => :updated_at.desc ## indexes ## index [[:site_id, Mongo::ASCENDING], [:slug, Mongo::ASCENDING]] ## callbacks ## before_validation :normalize_slug after_validation :bubble_fields_errors_up before_save :set_default_values before_update :update_label_field_name_in_entries ## validations ## validates_presence_of :site, :name, :slug validates_uniqueness_of :slug, :scope => :site_id validates_size_of :entries_custom_fields, :minimum => 1, :message => :too_few_custom_fields ## behaviours ## custom_fields_for :entries ## methods ## def order_manually? self.order_by == '_position' end def order_by_definition direction = self.order_manually? ? 'asc' : self.order_direction || 'asc' [order_by_attribute, direction] end def ordered_entries(conditions = {}) self.entries.order_by([order_by_definition]).where(conditions) end def groupable? !!self.group_by_field && %w(select belongs_to).include?(group_by_field.type) end def group_by_field self.entries_custom_fields.find(self.group_by_field_id) rescue nil end def list_or_group_entries if self.groupable? if group_by_field.type == 'select' self.entries.group_by_select_option(, self.order_by_definition) else group_by_belongs_to_field(self.group_by_field) end else self.ordered_entries end end def class_name_to_content_type(class_name) self.class.class_name_to_content_type(class_name, end def label_field_name=(value) # mandatory if we allow the API to set the label field name without an id of the field @new_label_field_name = value unless value.blank? super(value) end # Retrieve from a class name the associated content type within the scope of a site. # If no content type is found, the method returns nil # # @param [ String ] class_name The class name # @param [ Locomotive::Site ] site The Locomotive site # # @return [ Locomotive::ContentType ] The content type matching the class_name # def self.class_name_to_content_type(class_name, site) if class_name =~ /^Locomotive::Entry(.*)/ site.content_types.find($1) else nil end end def to_presenter end def as_json(options = {}) self.to_presenter.as_json end protected def group_by_belongs_to_field(field) grouped_entries = self.ordered_entries.group_by(&:"#{}_id") columns = grouped_entries.keys target_content_type = self.class_name_to_content_type(field.class_name) all_columns = target_content_type.ordered_entries do |column| if columns.include?(column._id) { :name => column._label(target_content_type), :entries => grouped_entries.delete(column._id) } else nil end end.compact.tap do |groups| unless grouped_entries.empty? # "orphans" ? groups << { :name => nil, :entries => grouped_entries.values.flatten } end end end def order_by_attribute return self.order_by if %w(created_at updated_at _position).include?(self.order_by) self.entries_custom_fields.find(self.order_by).name rescue 'created_at' end def set_default_values self.order_by ||= 'created_at' if @new_label_field_name.present? self.label_field_id = self.entries_custom_fields.detect { |f| == @new_label_field_name.underscore }._id end if self.label_field_id.blank? self.label_field_id = self.entries_custom_fields.first._id end field = self.entries_custom_fields.find(self.label_field_id) # the label field should always be required field.required = true self.label_field_name = end def normalize_slug self.slug = if self.slug.blank? && self.slug.permalink! if self.slug.present? end def bubble_fields_errors_up return if self.errors[:entries_custom_fields].empty? hash = { :base => self.errors[:entries_custom_fields] } self.entries_custom_fields.each do |field| next if field.valid? key = field.persisted? ? field._id.to_s : field.position.to_i hash[key] = field.errors.to_a end self.errors.set(:entries_custom_fields, hash) end def update_label_field_name_in_entries self.klass_with_custom_fields(:entries).update_all :_label_field_name => self.label_field_name end # Makes sure the class_name filled in a belongs_to or has_many field # does not belong to another site. Adds an error if it presents a # security problem. # # @param [ CustomFields::Field ] field The field to check # def ensure_class_name_security(field) if field.class_name =~ /^Locomotive::Entry([a-z0-9]+)$/ content_type = Locomotive::ContentType.find($1) if content_type.site_id != self.site_id field.errors.add :class_name, :security end else # for now, does not allow external classes field.errors.add :class_name, :security end end end end