require 'fileutils' require 'zip/zip' # Just a simple helper class to export quickly an existing and live locomotive website. # FIXME: will be replaced by the API in the next months module Locomotive class Export @@instance = nil def initialize(site, filename = nil) @site = site @filename = filename || @target_folder = File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp', 'export', @filename) @site_hash = {} # used to generate the site.yml and compiled_site.yml files self.create_target_folder end def run! self.initialize_site_hash self.log('copying assets') self.copy_assets self.log('copying theme assets') self.copy_theme_assets self.log('copying pages') self.copy_pages self.log('copying snippets') self.copy_snippets self.log('copying content types') self.copy_content_types self.log('copying config files') self.copy_config_files self.log('generating the zip file') self.zip_it! end # returns the path to the zipfile def!(site, filename = nil) @@instance =, filename)! end protected def zip_it! "#{@target_folder}.zip".tap do |dst| FileUtils.rm(dst, :force => true), ::Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) do |zipfile| Dir[File.join(@target_folder, '**/*')].each do |file| entry = file.gsub(@target_folder + '/', '') zipfile.add(entry, file) end end end end def create_target_folder FileUtils.rm_rf(@target_folder) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@target_folder) %w(app/content_types app/views/snippets app/views/pages config data public).each do |f| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@target_folder, f)) end end def initialize_site_hash attributes = self.extract_attributes(@site, %w(name locale seo_title meta_description meta_keywords)) attributes['pages'] = [] attributes['content_types'] = {} @site_hash = { 'site' => attributes } end def copy_config_files, 'compiled_site.yml'), 'w') do |f| f.write(yaml(@site_hash)) end @site_hash['site'].delete('content_types'), 'site.yml'), 'w') do |f| f.write(yaml(@site_hash)) end end def copy_pages Page.quick_tree(@site, false).each { |p| self._copy_pages(p) } end def copy_snippets @site.snippets.each do |snippet|, "#{snippet.slug}.liquid"), 'w') do |f| f.write(snippet.template) end end end def copy_content_types @site.content_types.each do |content_type| attributes = self.extract_attributes(content_type, %w(name description slug order_by order_direction group_by_field_name api_enabled)) attributes['highlighted_field_name'] = content_type.highlighted_field._alias # custom_fields fields = [] content_type.content_custom_fields.each do |field| fields << { field._alias => self.extract_attributes(field, %w(label kind hint target required)) } end attributes['fields'] = fields @site_hash['site']['content_types'][] = attributes.clone # [structure] copy it into its own file, "#{content_type.slug}.yml"), 'w') do |f| f.write(self.yaml(attributes)) end # data data = self.extract_contents(content_type) # [data] copy them into their own file, "#{content_type.slug}.yml"), 'w') do |f| f.write(self.yaml(data)) end @site_hash['site']['content_types'][]['contents'] = data end end def copy_theme_assets @site.theme_assets.each do |theme_asset| target_path = File.join(self.public_folder, theme_asset.local_path) self.copy_file_from_an_uploader(theme_asset.source, target_path) do |bytes| if theme_asset.stylesheet_or_javascript? base_url = theme_asset.source.url.gsub(theme_asset.local_path, '') bytes.gsub(base_url, '/') else bytes end end end end def copy_assets @site.assets.each do |asset| target_path = File.join(self.samples_folder, asset.source_filename) self.copy_file_from_an_uploader(asset.source, target_path) end end protected def _copy_pages(page) attributes = self.extract_attributes(page, %w{title seo_title meta_description meta_keywords listed redirect_url content_type published}) unless page.redirect? attributes.delete('redirect_url') if page.templatized? attributes['content_type'] = page.content_type.slug end # add editable elements page.editable_elements.each do |element| next if element.disabled? || (element.from_parent && element.default_content == element.content) el_attributes = self.extract_attributes(element, %w{slug block hint}) case element when EditableShortText, EditableLongText el_attributes['content'] = self.replace_asset_urls_in(element.content || '') when EditableFile unless element.source_filename.blank? filepath = File.join('/', 'samples', element.source_filename) self.copy_file_from_an_uploader(element.source, File.join(self.public_folder, filepath)) el_attributes['content'] = filepath else el_attributes['content'] = '' # not sure if we run into this end end (attributes['editable_elements'] ||= []) << el_attributes end page_templatepath = File.join(self.pages_folder, "#{page.fullpath}.liquid") FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(page_templatepath)), 'w') do |f| f.write(self.replace_asset_urls_in(page.raw_template)) end end @site_hash['site']['pages'] << { page.fullpath => attributes } page.children.each { |p| self._copy_pages(p) } end def extract_attributes(object, fields) { |k, v| fields.include?(k) }.delete_if { |k, v| v.blank? } end def pages_folder File.join(@target_folder, 'app', 'views', 'pages') end def snippets_folder File.join(@target_folder, 'app', 'views', 'snippets') end def content_types_folder File.join(@target_folder, 'app', 'content_types') end def config_folder File.join(@target_folder, 'config') end def content_data_folder File.join(@target_folder, 'data') end def public_folder File.join(@target_folder, 'public') end def samples_folder File.join(@target_folder, 'public', 'samples') end def copy_file_from_an_uploader(uploader, target_path, &block) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(target_path)), 'w') do |f| bytes = bytes ||= '' bytes = if block_given? bytes = bytes.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1\.9/ f.write(bytes) end end def extract_contents(content_type) data = [] highlighted_field_name = content_type.highlighted_field_name content_type.contents.each do |content| hash = {} content.custom_fields.each do |field| next if field._name == highlighted_field_name value = (case field.kind when 'file' uploader = content.send(field._name) unless uploader.blank? filepath = File.join('/samples', content_type.slug, content.send("#{field._name}_filename")) self.copy_file_from_an_uploader(uploader, File.join(self.public_folder, filepath)) else filepath = nil end filepath when 'text' self.replace_asset_urls_in(content.send(field._name.to_sym) || '') when 'has_one' content.send(field.safe_alias.to_sym).highlighted_field_value when 'has_many' content.send(field.safe_alias.to_sym).collect(&:highlighted_field_value) else content.send(field.safe_alias.to_sym) end) hash[field._alias] = value unless value.blank? end data << { content.highlighted_field_value => hash } end data end def replace_asset_urls_in(text) base_url = => @site)).store_dir (base_url = base_url.split('/')).pop base_url = base_url.join('/') text.gsub(%r(#{base_url}/[a-z0-9]{10,}/), "#{base_url.starts_with?('http') ? '/' : ''}samples/") end def yaml(hash_or_array) method = hash_or_array.respond_to?(:ya2yaml) ? :ya2yaml : :to_yaml string = (if hash_or_array.respond_to?(:keys) hash_or_array.dup.stringify_keys! else hash_or_array end).send(method) string.gsub('!ruby/symbol ', ':').sub('---', '').split("\n").map(&:rstrip).join("\n").strip end def log(message, domain = '') head = "[export_template][#{}]" head += "[#{domain}]" unless domain.blank? "\t#{head} #{message}" end end end