/* Demonstration of embedding CodeMirror in a bigger application. The * interface defined here is a mess of prompts and confirms, and * should probably not be used in a real project. */ function MirrorFrame(place, options) { this.home = document.createElement("DIV"); if (place.appendChild) place.appendChild(this.home); else place(this.home); var self = this; function makeButton(name, action) { var button = document.createElement("INPUT"); button.type = "button"; button.value = name; self.home.appendChild(button); button.onclick = function(){self[action].call(self);}; } makeButton("Search", "search"); makeButton("Replace", "replace"); makeButton("Current line", "line"); makeButton("Jump to line", "jump"); makeButton("Insert constructor", "macro"); makeButton("Indent all", "reindent"); this.mirror = new CodeMirror(this.home, options); } MirrorFrame.prototype = { search: function() { var text = prompt("Enter search term:", ""); if (!text) return; var first = true; do { var cursor = this.mirror.getSearchCursor(text, first); first = false; while (cursor.findNext()) { cursor.select(); if (!confirm("Search again?")) return; } } while (confirm("End of document reached. Start over?")); }, replace: function() { // This is a replace-all, but it is possible to implement a // prompting replace. var from = prompt("Enter search string:", ""), to; if (from) to = prompt("What should it be replaced with?", ""); if (to == null) return; var cursor = this.mirror.getSearchCursor(from, false); while (cursor.findNext()) cursor.replace(to); }, jump: function() { var line = prompt("Jump to line:", ""); if (line && !isNaN(Number(line))) this.mirror.jumpToLine(Number(line)); }, line: function() { alert("The cursor is currently at line " + this.mirror.currentLine()); this.mirror.focus(); }, macro: function() { var name = prompt("Name your constructor:", ""); if (name) this.mirror.replaceSelection("function " + name + "() {\n \n}\n\n" + name + ".prototype = {\n \n};\n"); }, reindent: function() { this.mirror.reindent(); } };