module Locomotive module Import module Pages def self.process(context) site, pages, theme_path = context[:site], context[:database]['pages'], context[:theme_path] context[:done] = {} # initialize the hash storing pages already processed self.add_index_and_404(context) Dir[File.join(theme_path, 'templates', '**/*')].each do |template_path| fullpath = template_path.gsub(File.join(theme_path, 'templates'), '').gsub('.liquid', '').gsub(/^\//, '') # puts "=========== #{fullpath} =================" next if %w(index 404).include?(fullpath) self.add_page(fullpath, context) end end def self.add_page(fullpath, context) puts "....adding #{fullpath}" page = context[:done][fullpath] return page if page # already added, so skip it site, pages, theme_path = context[:site], context[:database]['site']['pages'], context[:theme_path] template =, 'templates', "#{fullpath}.liquid")) rescue "Unable to find #{fullpath}.liquid" self.build_parent_template(template, context) parent = self.find_parent(fullpath, context) # puts "updating..... #{fullpath} / #{template}" page = site.pages.where(:fullpath => fullpath).first || attributes = { :title => fullpath.split('/').last.humanize, :slug => fullpath.split('/').last, :parent => parent, :raw_template => template }.merge(pages[fullpath] || {}).symbolize_keys # templatized ? if content_type_slug = attributes.delete(:content_type) attributes[:content_type] = site.content_types.where(:slug => content_type_slug).first end page.attributes = attributes # do not parse liquid templates now # page.instance_variable_set(:@template_changed, false)! site.reload context[:done][fullpath] = page page end def self.build_parent_template(template, context) # puts "building parent_template #{template.blank?}" # just check if the template contains the extends keyword # template fullpath = template.scan(/\{% extends (\w+) %\}/).flatten.first if fullpath # inheritance detected fullpath.gsub!("'", '') # puts "found parent_template #{fullpath}" return if fullpath == 'parent' self.add_page(fullpath, context) else # puts "no parent_template found #{fullpath}" end end def self.find_parent(fullpath, context) # puts "finding parent for #{fullpath}" site = context[:site] segments = fullpath.split('/') return site.pages.index.first if segments.size == 1 segments.pop parent_fullpath = segments.join('/').gsub(/^\//, '') # look for a local index page in db parent = site.pages.where(:fullpath => parent_fullpath).first parent || self.add_page(parent_fullpath, context) end def self.add_index_and_404(context) site, pages, theme_path = context[:site], context[:database]['site']['pages'], context[:theme_path] %w(index 404).each do |slug| page = site.pages.where({ :slug => slug, :depth => 0 }).first # puts "building system page (#{slug}) => #{page.inspect}" page ||= => slug, :parent => nil) template =, 'templates', "#{slug}.liquid")) page.attributes = { :raw_template => template }.merge(pages[slug] || {})! rescue nil # TODO better error handling site.reload context[:done][slug] = page end end end end end