/* This file defines an XML parser, with a few kludges to make it * useable for HTML. autoSelfClosers defines a set of tag names that * are expected to not have a closing tag, and doNotIndent specifies * the tags inside of which no indentation should happen (see Config * object). These can be disabled by passing the editor an object like * {useHTMLKludges: false} as parserConfig option. */ var XMLParser = Editor.Parser = (function() { var Kludges = { autoSelfClosers: {"br": true, "img": true, "hr": true, "link": true, "input": true, "meta": true, "col": true, "frame": true, "base": true, "area": true}, doNotIndent: {"pre": true, "!cdata": true} }; var NoKludges = {autoSelfClosers: {}, doNotIndent: {"!cdata": true}}; var UseKludges = Kludges; var alignCDATA = false; // Simple stateful tokenizer for XML documents. Returns a // MochiKit-style iterator, with a state property that contains a // function encapsulating the current state. See tokenize.js. var tokenizeXML = (function() { function inText(source, setState) { var ch = source.next(); if (ch == "<") { if (source.equals("!")) { source.next(); if (source.equals("[")) { if (source.lookAhead("[CDATA[", true)) { setState(inBlock("xml-cdata", "]]>")); return null; } else { return "xml-text"; } } else if (source.lookAhead("--", true)) { setState(inBlock("xml-comment", "-->")); return null; } else { return "xml-text"; } } else if (source.equals("?")) { source.next(); source.nextWhileMatches(/[\w\._\-]/); setState(inBlock("xml-processing", "?>")); return "xml-processing"; } else { if (source.equals("/")) source.next(); setState(inTag); return "xml-punctuation"; } } else if (ch == "&") { while (!source.endOfLine()) { if (source.next() == ";") break; } return "xml-entity"; } else { source.nextWhileMatches(/[^&<\n]/); return "xml-text"; } } function inTag(source, setState) { var ch = source.next(); if (ch == ">") { setState(inText); return "xml-punctuation"; } else if (/[?\/]/.test(ch) && source.equals(">")) { source.next(); setState(inText); return "xml-punctuation"; } else if (ch == "=") { return "xml-punctuation"; } else if (/[\'\"]/.test(ch)) { setState(inAttribute(ch)); return null; } else { source.nextWhileMatches(/[^\s\u00a0=<>\"\'\/?]/); return "xml-name"; } } function inAttribute(quote) { return function(source, setState) { while (!source.endOfLine()) { if (source.next() == quote) { setState(inTag); break; } } return "xml-attribute"; }; } function inBlock(style, terminator) { return function(source, setState) { while (!source.endOfLine()) { if (source.lookAhead(terminator, true)) { setState(inText); break; } source.next(); } return style; }; } return function(source, startState) { return tokenizer(source, startState || inText); }; })(); // The parser. The structure of this function largely follows that of // parseJavaScript in parsejavascript.js (there is actually a bit more // shared code than I'd like), but it is quite a bit simpler. function parseXML(source) { var tokens = tokenizeXML(source); var cc = [base]; var tokenNr = 0, indented = 0; var currentTag = null, context = null; var consume, marked; function push(fs) { for (var i = fs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) cc.push(fs[i]); } function cont() { push(arguments); consume = true; } function pass() { push(arguments); consume = false; } function mark(style) { marked = style; } function expect(text) { return function(style, content) { if (content == text) cont(); else mark("xml-error") || cont(arguments.callee); }; } function pushContext(tagname, startOfLine) { var noIndent = UseKludges.doNotIndent.hasOwnProperty(tagname) || (context && context.noIndent); context = {prev: context, name: tagname, indent: indented, startOfLine: startOfLine, noIndent: noIndent}; } function popContext() { context = context.prev; } function computeIndentation(baseContext) { return function(nextChars, current) { var context = baseContext; if (context && context.noIndent) return current; if (alignCDATA && /")); else if (style == "xml-cdata") { if (!context || context.name != "!cdata") pushContext("!cdata"); if (/\]\]>$/.test(content)) popContext(); cont(); } else if (harmlessTokens.hasOwnProperty(style)) cont(); else mark("xml-error") || cont(); } function tagname(style, content) { if (style == "xml-name") { currentTag = content.toLowerCase(); mark("xml-tagname"); cont(); } else { currentTag = null; pass(); } } function closetagname(style, content) { if (style == "xml-name" && context && content.toLowerCase() == context.name) { popContext(); mark("xml-tagname"); } else { mark("xml-error"); } cont(); } function endtag(startOfLine) { return function(style, content) { if (content == "/>" || (content == ">" && UseKludges.autoSelfClosers.hasOwnProperty(currentTag))) cont(); else if (content == ">") pushContext(currentTag, startOfLine) || cont(); else mark("xml-error") || cont(arguments.callee); }; } function attributes(style) { if (style == "xml-name") mark("xml-attname") || cont(attribute, attributes); else pass(); } function attribute(style, content) { if (content == "=") cont(value); else if (content == ">" || content == "/>") pass(endtag); else pass(); } function value(style) { if (style == "xml-attribute") cont(value); else pass(); } return { indentation: function() {return indented;}, next: function(){ var token = tokens.next(); if (token.style == "whitespace" && tokenNr == 0) indented = token.value.length; else tokenNr++; if (token.content == "\n") { indented = tokenNr = 0; token.indentation = computeIndentation(context); } if (token.style == "whitespace" || token.type == "xml-comment") return token; while(true){ consume = marked = false; cc.pop()(token.style, token.content); if (consume){ if (marked) token.style = marked; return token; } } }, copy: function(){ var _cc = cc.concat([]), _tokenState = tokens.state, _context = context; var parser = this; return function(input){ cc = _cc.concat([]); tokenNr = indented = 0; context = _context; tokens = tokenizeXML(input, _tokenState); return parser; }; } }; } return { make: parseXML, electricChars: "/", configure: function(config) { if (config.useHTMLKludges != null) UseKludges = config.useHTMLKludges ? Kludges : NoKludges; if (config.alignCDATA) alignCDATA = config.alignCDATA; } }; })();