/* * jQuery Growl plugin * Version 1.0.1 (10/27/2008) * @requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later * * Examples at: http://fragmentedcode.com/jquery-growl * Copyright (c) 2008 David Higgins * * Special thanks to Daniel Mota for inspiration: * http://icebeat.bitacoras.com/mootools/growl/ */ /* USAGE: $.growl(title, msg); $.growl(title, msg, image); $.growl(title, msg, image, priority); THEME/SKIN: You can override the default look and feel by updating these objects: $.growl.settings.displayTimeout = 4000; $.growl.settings.noticeTemplate = '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + '


' + '


' + '
' + '
' + '
'; $.growl.settings.noticeCss = { position: 'relative' }; To change the 'dock' look, and position: $.growl.settings.dockTemplate = '
'; $.growl.settings.dockCss = { position: 'absolute', top: '10px', right: '10px', width: '300px' }; The dockCss will allow you to 'dock' the notifications to a specific area on the page, such as TopRight (the default) or TopLeft, perhaps even in a smaller area with "overflow: scroll" enabled? */ (function($) { $.growl = function(title,message,image,priority) { notify(title,message,image,priority); } $.growl.version = "1.0.0-b2"; function create(rebuild) { var instance = document.getElementById('growlDock'); if(!instance || rebuild) { instance = $(jQuery.growl.settings.dockTemplate).attr('id', 'growlDock').addClass('growl'); if(jQuery.growl.settings.defaultStylesheet) { $('head').append(''); } } else { instance = $(instance); } $('body').append(instance.css(jQuery.growl.settings.dockCss)); return instance; }; function r(text, expr, val) { while(expr.test(text)) { text = text.replace(expr, val); } return text; }; function notify(title,message,image,priority) { var instance = create(); var html = jQuery.growl.settings.noticeTemplate; if(typeof(html) == 'object') html = $(html).html(); html = r(html, /%message%/, (message?message:'')); html = r(html, /%title%/, (title?title:'')); html = r(html, /%image%/, (image?image:jQuery.growl.settings.defaultImage)); html = r(html, /%priority%/, (priority?priority:'normal')); var notice = $(html) .hide() .css(jQuery.growl.settings.noticeCss) .fadeIn(jQuery.growl.settings.notice);; $.growl.settings.noticeDisplay(notice); instance.append(notice); $('a[@rel="close"]', notice).click(function() { notice.remove(); }); if ($.growl.settings.displayTimeout > 0) { setTimeout(function(){ jQuery.growl.settings.noticeRemove(notice, function(){ notice.remove(); }); }, jQuery.growl.settings.displayTimeout); } }; // default settings $.growl.settings = { dockTemplate: '
', dockCss: { position: 'fixed', top: '10px', right: '10px', width: '300px', zIndex: 50000 }, noticeTemplate: '
' + '


' + '


' + '
', noticeCss: { opacity: 1, backgroundColor: 'transparent', color: '#ffffff' }, noticeDisplay: function(notice) { notice.css({'opacity':'0'}).fadeIn(jQuery.growl.settings.noticeFadeTimeout); }, noticeRemove: function(notice, callback) { notice.animate({opacity: '0', height: '0px'}, {duration:jQuery.growl.settings.noticeFadeTimeout, complete: callback}); }, noticeFadeTimeout: 'slow', displayTimeout: 3500, defaultImage: 'growl.jpg', defaultStylesheet: null, noticeElement: function(el) { $.growl.settings.noticeTemplate = $(el); } }; })(jQuery);