require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/locomotive.rb' Locomotive.configure do |config| # if not defined, locomotive will use as main domain name. Remove prefix www from your domain name. # Ex: # config.default_domain = Rails.env.production? ? '' : '' # # If you use locomotive for a single site in Heroku, use "" as default domain name. # Your heroku app name ( will be used as the sub domain name in Locomotive # during the installation wizzard. # ex: config.default_domain = Rails.env.production? ? '' : '' config.default_domain = '' # configure how many items we display in sub menu in the "Contents" section. config.lastest_items_nb = 5 # tell if logs are enabled. Useful for debug purpose. config.enable_logs = true # tell if the application is hosted on Heroku. # Locomotive uses heroku api to add / remove domains. # there are 2 ways of passing heroku credentials to Locomotive # - from ENV variables: HEROKU_LOGIN & HEROKU_PASSWORD # - from this file # # Notes: # - IMPORTANT: behaviours related to this option will only be applied in production # - credentials coming from this file take precedence over ENV variables # # Ex: # config.heroku = { :name => '', :login => '', :password => 'easy' } config.heroku = false # Locomotive uses the DelayedJob gem for the theme import module. # In case you want to deploy to Heroku, you will have to pay for an extra dyno. # If you do not mind about importing theme without DelayedJob, disable it. config.delayed_job = false # default locale (for now, only en and fr are supported) config.default_locale = :en end