class ContentType include Locomotive::Mongoid::Document ## extensions ## include Extensions::ContentType::ItemTemplate ## fields ## field :name field :description field :slug field :order_by field :order_direction, :default => 'asc' field :highlighted_field_name field :group_by_field_name field :api_enabled, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :api_accounts, :type => Array ## associations ## referenced_in :site embeds_many :contents, :class_name => 'ContentInstance', :validate => false do def visible @target.find_all { |c| c.visible? } end end ## named scopes ## scope :ordered, :order_by => :updated_at.desc ## indexes ## index [[:site_id, Mongo::ASCENDING], [:slug, Mongo::ASCENDING]] ## callbacks ## before_validation :normalize_slug before_save :set_default_values after_destroy :remove_uploaded_files ## validations ## validates_presence_of :site, :name, :slug validates_uniqueness_of :slug, :scope => :site_id validates_size_of :content_custom_fields, :minimum => 1, :message => :array_too_short ## behaviours ## custom_fields_for :contents ## methods ## def groupable? self.group_by_field && group_by_field.category? end def order_manually? self.order_by == '_position_in_list' end def asc_order? self.order_direction.blank? || self.order_direction == 'asc' end def list_or_group_contents if self.groupable? groups = self.contents.klass.send(:"group_by_#{self.group_by_field._alias}", :ordered_contents) # look for items with no category or unknown ones items_without_category = self.contents.find_all { |c| !self.group_by_field.category_ids.include?(c.send(self.group_by_field_name)) } if not items_without_category.empty? groups << { :name => nil, :items => items_without_category } else groups end else self.ordered_contents end end def latest_updated_contents self.contents.latest_updated.reject { |c| !c.persisted? } end def ordered_contents(conditions = {}) column = self.order_by.to_sym list = (if conditions.nil? || conditions.empty? self.contents else conditions_with_names = {} conditions.each do |key, value| # convert alias (key) to name field = self.content_custom_fields.detect { |f| f._alias == key } case field.kind.to_sym when :category if (category_item = field.category_items.where(:name => value).first).present? conditions_with_names[field._name.to_sym] = category_item._id end else conditions_with_names[field._name.to_sym] = value end end self.contents.where(conditions_with_names) end).sort { |a, b| (a.send(column) || 0) <=> (b.send(column) || 0) } return list if self.order_manually? self.asc_order? ? list : list.reverse end def sort_contents!(order) order.split(',').each_with_index do |id, position| self.contents.find(BSON::ObjectId(id))._position_in_list = position end end def highlighted_field self.content_custom_fields.detect { |f| f._name == self.highlighted_field_name } end def group_by_field @group_by_field ||= self.content_custom_fields.detect { |f| f._name == self.group_by_field_name } end protected def set_default_values self.order_by ||= 'created_at' self.highlighted_field_name ||= self.content_custom_fields.first._name end def normalize_slug self.slug = if self.slug.blank? && self.slug.slugify! if self.slug.present? end def remove_uploaded_files # callbacks are not called on each content so we do it manually self.contents.each do |content| self.content_custom_fields.each do |field| content.send(:"remove_#{field._name}!") if field.kind == 'file' end end end end