Feature: Manage Pages In order to manage pages As an administrator I want to add/edit/delete pages of my site Background: Given I have the site: "test site" set up And I am an authenticated user Scenario: Pages list is not accessible for non authenticated accounts Given I am not authenticated When I go to pages Then I should see "Log in" Scenario: Creating a valid page When I go to pages And I follow "new page" And I fill in "Title" with "Test" And I fill in "Slug" with "test" And I select "Home page" from "Parent" And I fill in "Raw template" with "Lorem ipsum...." And I press "Create" Then I should see "Page was successfully created." And I should have "Lorem ipsum...." in the test page Scenario: Updating a valid page When I go to pages And I follow "Home page" And I fill in "Title" with "Home page !" And I fill in "Raw template" with "My new content is here" And I press "Update" Then I should see "Page was successfully updated." And I should have "My new content is here" in the index page