module Locomotive module RSpec module Matchers class BeValid #:nodoc: def matches?(model) @model = model @model.errors.clear @model.errors.empty? && @model.valid? end def failure_message "#{@model.class} expected to be valid but had errors:\n #{@model.errors.full_messages.join("\n ")}" end def negative_failure_message "#{@model.class} expected to be invalid but was valid.\n" end def description "be valid" end end def be_valid end class IncludeInstanceMethod #:nodoc: def initialize(meth) @meth = meth end def matches?(klass) @klass = klass if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1\.9/ klass.instance_methods.include?(@meth.to_sym) == true else klass.instance_methods.include?(@meth.to_s) == true end end def failure_message "#{@klass} expected to include the instance method #{@meth}" end def negative_failure_message "#{@klass} expected to not include the instance method #{@meth} but included it.\n" end def description "include instance method #{@meth}" end end def include_instance_method(meth) end class IncludeClassMethod #:nodoc: def initialize(meth) @meth = meth end def matches?(klass) @klass = klass if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1\.9/ klass.methods.include?(@meth.to_sym) == true else klass.methods.include?(@meth.to_s) == true end end def failure_message "#{@klass} expected to include the class method #{@meth}" end def negative_failure_message "#{@klass} expected to not include the class method #{@meth} but included it.\n" end def description "include class method #{@meth}" end end def include_class_method(meth) end end end end