module HtmlSelectorsHelpers
  # Maps a name to a selector. Used primarily by the
  #   When /^(.+) within (.+)$/ do |step, scope|
  # step definitions in web_steps.rb
  def selector_for(locator)
    case locator

    when "the page"
      "html > body"

    # Add more mappings here.
    # Here is an example that pulls values out of the Regexp:
    #  when /^the (notice|error|info) flash$/
    #    ".flash.#{$1}"

    # You can also return an array to use a different selector
    # type, like:
    #  when /the header/
    #    [:xpath, "//header"]

    # This allows you to provide a quoted selector as the scope
    # for "within" steps as was previously the default for the
    # web steps:
    when /^"(.+)"$/

      raise "Can't find mapping from \"#{locator}\" to a selector.\n" +
        "Now, go and add a mapping in #{__FILE__}"
