# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Locomotive::Site do it 'should have a valid factory' do FactoryGirl.build(:site).should be_valid end ## Validations ## it 'should validate presence of name' do site = FactoryGirl.build(:site, :name => nil) site.should_not be_valid site.errors[:name].should == ["can't be blank"] end it 'should validate presence of subdomain' do site = FactoryGirl.build(:site, :subdomain => nil) site.should_not be_valid site.errors[:subdomain].should == ["can't be blank"] end %w{test test42 foo_bar}.each do |subdomain| it "should accept subdomain like '#{subdomain}'" do FactoryGirl.build(:site, :subdomain => subdomain).should be_valid end end ['-', '_test', 'test_', 't est', '42', '42test'].each do |subdomain| it "should not accept subdomain like '#{subdomain}'" do (site = FactoryGirl.build(:site, :subdomain => subdomain)).should_not be_valid site.errors[:subdomain].should == ['is invalid'] end end it "should not use reserved keywords as subdomain" do %w{www admin email blog webmail mail support help site sites}.each do |subdomain| (site = FactoryGirl.build(:site, :subdomain => subdomain)).should_not be_valid site.errors[:subdomain].should == ['is reserved'] end end it 'should validate uniqueness of subdomain' do FactoryGirl.create(:site) (site = FactoryGirl.build(:site)).should_not be_valid site.errors[:subdomain].should == ["is already taken"] end it 'should validate uniqueness of domains' do FactoryGirl.create(:site, :domains => %w{www.acme.net www.acme.com}) (site = FactoryGirl.build(:site, :domains => %w{www.acme.com})).should_not be_valid site.errors[:domains].should == ["www.acme.com is already taken"] (site = FactoryGirl.build(:site, :subdomain => 'foo', :domains => %w{acme.example.com})).should_not be_valid site.errors[:domains].should == ["acme.example.com is already taken"] end it 'should validate format of domains' do site = FactoryGirl.build(:site, :domains => ['barformat.superlongextension', '-foo.net']) site.should_not be_valid site.errors[:domains].should == ['barformat.superlongextension is invalid', '-foo.net is invalid'] end ## Named scopes ## it 'should retrieve sites by domain' do site_1 = FactoryGirl.create(:site, :domains => %w{www.acme.net}) site_2 = FactoryGirl.create(:site, :subdomain => 'test', :domains => %w{www.example.com}) sites = Locomotive::Site.match_domain('www.acme.net') sites.size.should == 1 sites.first.should == site_1 sites = Locomotive::Site.match_domain('www.example.com') sites.size.should == 1 sites.first.should == site_2 sites = Locomotive::Site.match_domain('test.example.com') sites.size.should == 1 sites.first.should == site_2 sites = Locomotive::Site.match_domain('www.unknown.com') sites.should be_empty end ## Associations ## it 'should have many accounts' do site = FactoryGirl.build(:site) account_1, account_2 = FactoryGirl.create(:account), FactoryGirl.create(:account, :name => 'homer', :email => 'homer@simpson.net') site.memberships.build(:account => account_1, :admin => true) site.memberships.build(:account => account_2) site.memberships.size.should == 2 site.accounts.should == [account_1, account_2] end ## Methods ## it 'should return domains without subdomain' do site = FactoryGirl.create(:site, :domains => %w{www.acme.net www.acme.com}) site.domains.should == %w{www.acme.net www.acme.com acme.example.com} site.domains_without_subdomain.should == %w{www.acme.net www.acme.com} end describe 'once created' do before(:each) do @site = FactoryGirl.create(:site) end it 'creates index and 404 pages' do @site.pages.size.should == 2 @site.pages.map(&:fullpath).sort.should == %w{404 index} end it 'translates the index/404 pages if a new locale is added' do @site.update_attributes :locales => %w(en fr) @site.errors.should be_empty ::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.with_locale('fr') do @site.pages.root.first.tap do |page| page.title.should == "Page d'accueil" page.slug.should == 'index' end @site.pages.not_found.first.tap do |page| page.title.should == 'Page non trouvée' page.slug.should == '404' end end end it 'translates the index/404 pages if the default locale changes' do @site.update_attributes :locales => %w(fr en) @site.errors.should be_empty ::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.with_locale('fr') do @site.pages.root.first.tap do |page| page.title.should == "Page d'accueil" page.slug.should == 'index' end @site.pages.not_found.first.tap do |page| page.title.should == 'Page non trouvée' page.slug.should == '404' end end end it 'does not allow to remove the default locale' do @site.update_attributes :locales => %w(fr) @site.errors[:locales].should == ['The previous default locale can not be removed right away.'] end end describe 'deleting in cascade' do before(:each) do @site = FactoryGirl.create(:site) end it 'should also destroy pages' do lambda { @site.destroy }.should change(Locomotive::Page, :count).by(-2) end end end