- title t('.title', :type => @content_type.name.capitalize) - content_for :actions do = render 'locomotive/shared/actions/contents' - content_for :buttons do - if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ContentType) = local_action_button :edit, edit_content_type_url(@content_type), :class => 'edit' = local_action_button :new, new_content_entry_url(@content_type.slug), :class => 'new' - if @content_type.description.present? %p= @content_type.description - if @content_type.groupable? - @content_entries.each do |group| .box %h3= group[:name] || t('.category_noname') .inner = render 'list', :content_type => @content_type, :entries => group[:entries] - else = render 'list', :content_type => @content_type, :entries => @content_entries - # Note: submenu has to be here in order to have the previous entries correctly rendered since we do not return - # all the attributes of the content types in the following code (causing stale documents) - content_for :submenu do = render 'locomotive/shared/menu/contents' - if can?(:manage, Locomotive::ContentType) #local-actions-bottom-bar %p.tleft = link_to t('.destroy'), content_type_url(@content_type), :confirm => t('locomotive.messages.confirm'), :method => :delete, :class => 'button remove'