require_relative '../lib/decorates_before_rendering' class MyCompletelyFakeModelDecorator; end class MyOtherCompletelyFakeModelDecorator; end describe DecoratesBeforeRendering do let(:sentinel) { double(:sentinel) } let(:ivar) { double('@ivar') } let(:ivars) { double('@ivars') } # NOTE: This superclass is here so we know that the correct render gets # called. It can't be defined in the subclass, or else that one # will be the one that's used, as modules sit above their includers # in the class hierarchy. let(:superclass) do do def initialize(sentinel) @sentinel = sentinel end def render(*args) @sentinel.render(*args) end end end let(:klass) do do include DecoratesBeforeRendering attr_reader :ivar, :ivars def initialize(sentinel, ivar, ivars = nil) super(sentinel) @ivar = ivar @ivars = ivars end end end let(:instance) {, ivar, ivars) } let(:args) { double('*args') } # NOTE: these are married together, so they're tested together. describe '::decorates + #render' do context "no ivars" do it 'should render' do sentinel.should_receive(:render).with(args) instance.render(args) end end context "ivar is not present" do it 'should render' do sentinel.should_receive(:render).with(args) instance.render(args) end end context "cannot find model name for ivar" do it 'should raise an ArgumentError' do klass.decorates(:ivar) expect { instance.render(args) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "ivar responds to model name" do it "should decorate and render" do sentinel.should_receive(:render).with(args) MyCompletelyFakeModelDecorator.should_receive(:decorate).with(ivar) ivar.stub(:model_name => 'MyCompletelyFakeModel') klass.decorates(:ivar) instance.render(args) end end context "ivar's class responds to model name" do it "should decorate and render" do sentinel.should_receive(:render).with(args) MyCompletelyFakeModelDecorator.should_receive(:decorate).with(ivar) ivar.stub_chain(:class, :model_name => 'MyCompletelyFakeModel') klass.decorates(:ivar) instance.render(args) end end context "subclass inherits attributes" do it "should function correctly" do klass.decorates(:ivar) subclass_instance =, ivar) sentinel.should_receive(:render).with(args) MyCompletelyFakeModelDecorator.should_receive(:decorate).with(ivar) ivar.stub_chain(:class, :model_name => 'MyCompletelyFakeModel') subclass_instance.render(args) end end context "Specify a different decorator class for an automatic decorator" do it "should function correctly" do klass.decorates(:ivars, :with => MyOtherCompletelyFakeModelDecorator) klass.decorates(:ivar) subclass_instance =, ivar, ivars) sentinel.should_receive(:render).with(args) MyOtherCompletelyFakeModelDecorator.should_receive(:decorate).with(ivars) MyCompletelyFakeModelDecorator.should_receive(:decorate).with(ivar) ivar.stub_chain(:class, :model_name => 'MyCompletelyFakeModel') subclass_instance.render(args) end end end # for draper >= 1.0 describe "#decorates_collection + #render" do it "requires decorator class (for now)" do expect { klass.decorates_collection(:ivars) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should decorate collection and render" do klass.decorates_collection(:ivars, :with => MyCompletelyFakeModelDecorator) subclass_instance =, ivar, ivars) sentinel.should_receive(:render).with(args) MyCompletelyFakeModelDecorator.should_receive(:decorate_collection).with(ivars) subclass_instance.render(args) end end end