!!! %html{ :lang => "en" } %head %meta{ :content => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type" } %title Blueprint Forms Tests / Framework CSS %link{ :href => "../stylesheets/screen.css", :rel => "stylesheet", :media => "screen, projection", :type => "text/css" } %link{ :href => "../stylesheets/print.css", :rel => "stylesheet", :media => "print", :type => "text/css" } / [if lt IE 8]> "", :method => "post" } %fieldset %legend Simple sample form %p %label{ :for => "dummy0" } Text input (title) %br %input#dummy0.title{ :name => "dummy0", :type => "text", :value => "Field with class .title" } %p %label{ :for => "dummy1" } Another field %br %input#dummy1.text{ :name => "dummy1", :type => "text", :value => "Field with class .text" } %p %label{ :for => "dummy2" } Textarea %br %textarea#dummy2{ :name => "dummy2", :rows => "5", :cols => "20" } %p %input{ :type => "submit", :value => "Submit" } %input{ :type => "reset", :value => "Reset" } .span-12.last .error This is a <div> with the class %strong \.error \. %a{ :href => "#" } Link \. .notice This is a <div> with the class %strong \.notice \. %a{ :href => "#" } Link \. .success This is a <div> with the class %strong \.success \. %a{ :href => "#" } Link \. %fieldset %legend Select, checkboxes, lists %p %label{ :for => "dummy3" } Select field %br %select#dummy3{ :name => "dummy3" } %option{ :value => "1" } Ottawa %option{ :value => "2" } Calgary %option{ :value => "3" } Moosejaw %p %label{ :for => "dummy4" } Select with groups %br %select#dummy4{ :name => "dummy4" } %option Favorite pet %optgroup{ :label => "mammals" } %option dog %option cat %option rabbit %option horse %optgroup{ :label => "reptiles" } %option iguana %option snake %p %label Radio buttons %br %input{ :name => "example", :type => "radio" } Radio one %br %input{ :name => "example", :type => "radio" } Radio two %br %input{ :name => "example", :type => "radio" } Radio three %br %p %label Checkboxes %br %input{ :type => "checkbox" } Check one %br %input{ :type => "checkbox" } Check two %br %input{ :type => "checkbox" } Check three %br .span-24.last %fieldset %legend Alignment %p %label{ :for => "dummy5" } Select field %select#dummy5{ :name => "dummy5" } %option{ :value => "1" } Ottawa %option{ :value => "2" } Calgary %option{ :value => "3" } Moosejaw %p %label{ :for => "dummy6" } Text input (title) %input#dummy6.title{ :name => "dummy6", :type => "text", :value => "Field with class .title" } %p %label{ :for => "dummy7" } Select field %select#dummy7{ :name => "dummy7" } %option{ :value => "1" } Ottawa %option{ :value => "2" } Calgary %option{ :value => "3" } Moosejaw %label{ :for => "dummy8" } Another field %input#dummy8.text{ :name => "dummy8", :type => "text", :value => "Field with class .text" } .span-24.last %form.inline{ :action => "", :method => "post" } %fieldset %legend A form with class "inline" .span-3 %label{ :for => "a" } Label A: %select#a{ :name => "a" } %option{ :value => "0" } All .span-2 some text .span-3 %input#o.checkbox{ :type => "checkbox", :name => "o", :value => "true", :checked => "checked" } checkbox one .span-3 %label{ :for => "b" } Label B: %select#b{ :name => "b" } %option{ :value => "0" } All .span-2 %a{ :href => "" } A Hyperlink .span-8 %input#q.text{ :type => "text", :name => "q", :value => "Field with class .text" } .span-2.last %input.button{ :type => "submit", :value => "submit" } / WTF This doesn't render correctly without some space.   %hr %p %a{ :href => "http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" } %img.top{ :src => "valid.png", :height => "31", :alt => "Valid HTML 4.01 Strict", :width => "88" }