title: Spriting with Compass
layout: tutorial
crumb: Spriting
- tutorial
# Spriting with Compass
Spriting has never been easier with Compass. You place the sprite images in a folder,
import them into your stylesheet, and then you can use the sprite in your selectors in one
of several convenient ways.
## Sprite Tutorial Contents
<%= sprite_tutorial_links(true) %>
## Setup
For this tutorial, let's imagine that in your project's image folder there are four icons:
* `images/icon/new.png`
* `images/icon/edit.png`
* `images/icon/save.png`
* `images/icon/delete.png`
Each is an icon that is 32px square.
## Basic Usage
****Note**: The use of `icon` is only for this example, "icon" represents the folder name that contains your sprites.
The simplest way to use these icon sprites is to let compass give you a class for each sprite:
@import "icon/*.png";
@include all-icon-sprites;
And you'll get the following CSS output:
.icon-save { background: url('/images/icon-s34fe0604ab.png') no-repeat; }
.icon-delete { background-position: 0 0; }
.icon-edit { background-position: 0 -32px; }
.icon-new { background-position: 0 -64px; }
.icon-save { background-position: 0 -96px; }
You can now apply the `icon-XXX` classes to your markup as needed.
Let's go over what happened there. The import statement told compass to [generate a
stylesheet that is customized for your sprites](https://gist.github.com/729507). This
stylesheet is [magic](/help/tutorials/spriting/magic-imports), it is not written to disk, and it can be customized
by setting configuration variables before you import it. See the section below on
[Customization Options](/help/tutorials/spriting/customization). The goal of this stylesheet is to provide a
simple naming convention for your sprites so that you they are easy to remember and use. You
should never have to care what the is name of the generated sprite map, nor where a sprite
is located within it.
## Nested Folders
****Note**: The use of `orange` is only for this example, "icon" represents the folder name that contains your sprites.
Sprites stored in a nested folder will use the last folder name in the path as the sprite name.
@import "themes/orange/*.png";
@include all-orange-sprite;
## Selector Control
****Note**: The use of `icon` is only for this example, "icon" represents the folder name that contains your sprites.
If you want control over what selectors are generated, it is easy to do. In this example,
this is done by using the magic `icon-sprite` mixin. Note that the mixin's name is dependent
on the name of the folder in which you've placed your icons.
@import "icon/*.png";
.actions {
.new { @include icon-sprite(new); }
.edit { @include icon-sprite(edit); }
.save { @include icon-sprite(save); }
.delete { @include icon-sprite(delete); }
And your stylesheet will compile to:
.actions .new,
.actions .edit,
.actions .save,
.actions .delete { background: url('/images/icon-s34fe0604ab.png') no-repeat; }
.actions .new { background-position: 0 -64px; }
.actions .edit { background-position: 0 -32px; }
.actions .save { background-position: 0 -96px; }
.actions .delete { background-position: 0 0; }
## Sass Functions
****Note**: The use of `icon` is only for this example, "icon" represents the folder name that contains your sprites.
Getting the image dimensions of a sprite
You can get a unit value by using the magical dimension functions `