require 'rdiscount' def stylesheets_dir(framework) Compass::Frameworks[framework].stylesheets_directory end def tree_key(item) "tree/"+[item[:framework], item[:stylesheet]].join("/") end def tree(item) @site.cached(tree_key(item)) do file = File.join(stylesheets_dir(item[:framework]), item[:stylesheet]) contents = syntax = item[:stylesheet] =~ /\.scss$/ ? :scss : :sass, :syntax => syntax).send :to_tree end end def imports(item) sass_tree = tree(item) imports = [] sass_tree.children.each do |child| if child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::ImportNode) imports << child.imported_filename end end imports.sort end def reference_item(options) stylesheet = options[:stylesheet] path = stylesheet_path(stylesheet) if path @site.cached("reference/item/#{path}") do @items.detect do |i| if i.identifier =~ /^\/reference/ && i[:stylesheet] i[:stylesheet] == path end end end end end def departialize(path) path.gsub(%r{(\b|/)_}){|m| m.size > 1 ? "/" : ""} end def reference_path(options) if item = reference_item(options) rep = item.reps.find { |r| == :default } rep.path end end def import_paths paths = [] if @item[:stylesheet] paths << [File.join(Compass::Frameworks[@item[:framework]].stylesheets_directory, File.dirname(@item[:stylesheet])), @item[:stylesheet]["/"] ? File.dirname(@item[:stylesheet]) : ""] end paths += Compass::Frameworks::ALL.inject([]) {|m, f| m << f.stylesheets_directory}.map!{|p|[p, '']} paths end def stylesheet_path(ss) possible_names = possible_filenames_for_stylesheet(ss) import_paths.each do |import_path| possible_names.each do |filename| full_path = File.join(import_path.first, filename) if File.exist?(full_path) return "#{import_path.last}#{"/" if import_path.last && import_path.last.length > 0}#{filename}" end end end nil end def possible_filenames_for_stylesheet(ss) ext = File.extname(ss) path = File.dirname(ss) path = path == "." ? "" : "#{path}/" base = File.basename(ss)[0..-(ext.size+1)] extensions = if ext.size > 0 [ext] else [".scss", ".sass"] end basenames = ["_#{base}", base] filenames = [] basenames.each do |basename| extensions.each do |extension| filenames << "#{path}#{basename}#{extension}" end end filenames end def mixins(item) sass_tree = tree(item) mixins = [] comment = nil sass_tree.children.each do |child| if child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode) child.comment = comment && Sass::Tree::CommentNode.clean(comment) comment = nil mixins << child elsif child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::CommentNode) comment ||= "" comment << "\n" unless comment.empty? comment << child.docstring else comment = nil end end mixins.reject{|m| m.comment =~ /@private/} end def selectors(item) sass_tree = tree(item) # Visitors::CheckNesting.visit(sass_tree) # sass_tree = Visitors::Perform.visit(sass_tree) selectors = [] comment = nil sass_tree.children.each do |child| case child when Sass::Tree::RuleNode child.comment = comment && Sass::Tree::CommentNode.clean(comment) comment = nil selectors << child when Sass::Tree::CommentNode comment ||= "" comment << "\n" unless comment.empty? comment << child.docstring else comment = nil end end selectors.reject!{|s| s.comment =~ /@private/} #!{|s| s.comment.strip.size > 0} # this would cause only documented selectors to be output selectors end def functions(item) sass_tree = tree(item) functions = [] comment = nil sass_tree.children.each do |child| if child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::FunctionNode) child.comment = comment && Sass::Tree::CommentNode.clean(comment) comment = nil functions << child elsif child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::CommentNode) comment ||= "" comment << "\n" unless comment.empty? comment << child.docstring else comment = nil end end functions.reject{|m| m.comment =~ /@private/} end def constants(item) sass_tree = tree(item) constants = [] comment = nil sass_tree.children.each do |child| if child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::VariableNode) child.comment = comment && Sass::Tree::CommentNode.clean(comment) comment = nil!("_",'-') constants << child elsif child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::CommentNode) comment ||= "" comment << "\n" unless comment.empty? comment << child.docstring else comment = nil end end constants.reject{|c| c.comment =~ /@private/} end def all_constants @items.inject([]) do |variables, item| next variables unless item.identifier =~ %r{/reference} next variables unless item[:stylesheet] variables += constants(item).map{|v| [item, v] } end end def all_mixins @items.inject([]) do |all_mixins, item| next all_mixins unless item.identifier =~ %r{/reference} next all_mixins unless item[:stylesheet] all_mixins += mixins(item).map{|m| [item, m] } end end def all_functions @items.inject([]) do |all_functions, item| next all_functions unless item.identifier =~ %r{/reference} next all_functions unless item[:stylesheet] all_functions += functions(item).map{|f| [item, f] } end end # Sass Only Functions from 3.1.10 (Brainy Betty) # Not as elegant, but does the trick. def sass_functions [:rgb, :rgba, :hsl, :hsla, :red, :green, :blue, :hue, :saturation, :lightness, :alpha, :opacity, :opacify, :fade_in, :transparentize, :fade_out, :lighten, :darken, :saturate, :desaturate, :adjust_hue, :adjust_color, :scale_color, :change_color, :mix, :grayscale, :complement, :invert, :unquote, :quote, :type_of, :unit, :unitless, :comparable, :percentage, :round, :ceil, :floor, :abs, :length, :nth, :join, :append, :zip, :index, :if] end def example_items @site.cached("examples") do do |i| i.identifier =~ /^\/examples/ && i[:example] end end end def item_for_function_name(function_name) @items.detect do |item| (item.identifier =~ %r{helpers}) && item[:documented_functions] && item[:documented_functions].include?(function_name) end end def examples_for_item(item) @site.cached("examples/#{item.identifier}") do do |i| i[:framework] == item[:framework] && i[:stylesheet] == item[:stylesheet] end end end def examples(item, mixin = nil) examples = examples_for_item(item) if mixin examples = {|i| i[:mixin] == } else examples = examples.reject {|i| i[:mixin] } end{|i| i.reps.find{|r| == :default}} end def format_doc(docstring) if docstring end end